39. Epilogue

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7 months into the pregnancy
Maya's POV:

"Do you want that?" I asked Moon who was staring at her nuggets.

"Um yes.. But you can have them if-"

"No no they're yours. You keep them."

"No here mommy your eating for three. Take it."

"No you need to eat. Eat and that's that." She didn't say anything after that.

"Babe?" Jimin called.

"Hm?" I sipped on some orange juice from a gallon now eating some watermelon and kiwi dipped in caramel. Ou. I wonder if French Fries and caramel taste as good.

"Here. I bought extra just for you." He handed me a bag full of food. God I love him.

"After we eat we're going to go visit- well actually I'm going to go visit Layla. So just saying don't rush. Take your time. Eat whatever." I stuffed my mouth.

"We're done. Well now we are. We're just waiting for y- never mind. We're all done." Moon spoke.

"Jimin throw everything out. Moon help me upstairs. I need to get my purse and my shoes. Oh and my phone." I stuck my hands out for the four year old to pull.

"I'll go get all that for you just sit tight. Moon can you help me?" Jimin tried picking everything up at once.

"Sure." She took the straw wrapper and went into the kitchen.


"Who are you here to visit?" The lady behind the counter asked me.

"Um Layla Rosado."

"Meet her at window 7."

"Ok. Thank you." I got up and walked to the window stands with the little telephone thingimajgers.

"Oh, why thank you." A man pulled out my seat for me who seemed to be waiting for someone in his seat next to me.

"Don't mention it. Where's your husband? He let you come here alone?" The man asked.

"No. It's my boyfriend, he's waiting by the benches out there with my daughter. They wouldn't let us all in. Plus I don't think they'd want to see the person I'm here for anyways."

"Who are you here for?"

"My sister."

"Why wouldn't they want to see your sister?"

"Long story short she did something bad and ended up in here."

"No duh."

"Who are you here to see?" I asked the man changing the subject.

"My moms boyfriend. I've been waiting here for nearly 20 minutes by now and he's still yet to not come. Probably fighting the officers off."

"Why don't you just leave?" I asked him trying not to laugh. If they weren't here in 10 then I'd be out.

"He's honestly a jackass but my mother told me to see how he's hanging. I personally can't stand him, but for some odd reason she really wants me close with him. Eh I don't care though. Next week I'm finally moving out and I don't have to see her face anymore nor do I ever have to come visit his rat ass ever again."

"Sounds lovely."

"What's not lovely is a pregnant woman here in a prison packed with pervs. They should've let your family come in wit-"

"Maya?" Someone loudly spoke on the other side of the glass picking up the telephone. Long time no see.

"Nice to meet you." I told the guy and picked up the telephone on my side and spoke. "Hey." This is going to be so awkward.

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