4. Long Time No See

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Sorry if this is a lame update. :)) Enjoy though!

4-5 Years Later [Present Day]
Jessy's POV:

My cousin (Tammy) is getting married soon, and I was sent out to grab some liquor from a near by convince store. Later my female friends and family, and I are going to throw her a little surprise party to celebrate. *Wink wink*

As of now I am 21, so bottoms up bitches! I'm not much of a drinker, so what I like to do is watch people drink from afar. Everyone ends up acting stupid anyways. It's quite enjoyable.

I was leaving the alcohol isle and entered the isle full of delicious snacks of chips, cookies, candies, mini cakes, etc. you know the good stuff.

I started repeatedly grabbing and putting stuff into the cart. I was given 650 dollars to waste so why not.

As I was exiting the isle, I accidentally ran into a mans cart. I couldn't see him real clearly because he turned around to grab something off the shelf without even giving me a glance.

His back view was facing me. He was tall, honestly a nice back side, and I only saw a little cut of his nice jawline, not much though. He seemed to be ignoring me I guess.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there sir." I said a little sarcastically. I wasn't really paying attention to him anymore because he was the one who entered the wrong way not me, but anyways you know me; I'm just a nice person so I still apologized in a way.

I tried to make my way through the few people's carts blocking the exit to get out.

As I was doing so, I could feel on my backside the man I crashed into now near me, starring deeply into my soul.

I don't know if he was just trying to intimidate me or something because he didn't say 'it's ok' or anything. So I'm guessing thats what he was going for, but I acted like I didn't even notice him. Which I really didn't. I didn't even see his face to begin with.

I got through and proceeded on with my shopping.


As I was waiting in line to check out, I looked behind me just casually, and found the cart guy I bumped into behind me. He had his head down looking at his phone so all I saw was his cap.

Since the line was a little long I decided to try and make some small talk.

I stuck my hand out for him to shake and said, "Hi, I'm still sorry about earlier. I didn't-" He cut me off when he picked up his head to look at me.

"Jessy?!" The man shouted.

"Yeah, hel-" He cut me off again as I was trying to process the mans amazing features.

"It's me! Hoesok, Hobi! I knew I recognized you! How've you been!?" He asked coming up to me to give me a hug.

I didn't realize it was him for a second because I wasn't paying attention, but must I say, I got ugly, while he got more angelic, and handsome. Very, very, handsome. Goddamn!!!!

"Haha, Hey! I've been great. How about you? The boys how too, how about them? You guys still talk right?" I think I have many more questions coming for you my friend. Kekeke.

Hobi's POV:

She looks good. "You look great! Haha, I've been good, I live with all the guys now, so yeah their good too."

Except Jimin, he's been a little off since the hormonal years, but he explained why. We all were kind of shocked. We also felt bad to but there was nothing we were able to do.

Who Knew [p.j.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant