32. The Weekly Brunch

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4 months later.
Moon's POV:

"Moon! Get your father! Tell him to hurry the FUCK up! We're running late!" Mom yelled from her room getting ready.

Hi there. Mom and dad are weird.

Daddy wanted to pick up some heavy stuff and carry mommy and me up the stairs. He said its 'working out' but really I don't know why he does it. I think it's stupid. Thanks to him we're running late.

I ran upstairs to the bathroom and banged on the bathroom door.

"DADDY!! MOMMY SAID TO HURRY THE F UP!! GET OUT!" I didn't say the bad word. Mommy said its not good for me to curse.

"I've only been in here for 20 minutes!! Tell her give me 10 more!!" He yelled and I think mommy heard because she came stomping down the hall with loose high heels on.

"I only shower for 10 damn minutes and you have less hair than I do!! Here's your towel and here's your clothes now get dressed!" She bursted the door open, turned off the water, handed him his clothes, then slammed the door behind her. I followed her.

"Goodness gracious men huh? Moonah momma are you ready?" She looked down at me and I shaked my head yes.

"Good girl. Now can you help me with my heels please? I can't reach the hook on my left leg."

"Sure." We're just one big happy family.


Maya's POV:


So it's Sunday afternoon, Jenesis and Ramona said they can't watch anyones kids today. The reason? I don't know they didn't tell me.

So that leaves Anzi and I have to bring our kids to the Sunday brunch we adults weekly have. I just hope they behave.

Now if Jimin ever finishes we can leave. "JIMIN!! Are you don-"

"C'mon babe. We don't wanna be late." He kissed my cheek and walked out the door snatching Moon to the car

*huffs* "Your so eating left overs tonight. Don't think seducing will work again." mumbled.


"Where the hell is everyone?" I looked at the time.

We're all supposed to specifically be here at 12 exact. But it's only Jimin, Moon, and myself here. Like imagine three people siting at a table meant for 20 people.. We look like a bunch of lonely ass people.

It's 12:34, we ran late, I'm starving, no ones here, and I can't order until everyone comes.

Ugh... I just wanna pitch in my money and eat man. That's all I wanna do. I just want to eat.

I guess while I wait for the others to show up I'll break down what's been going on while Moon and Jimin play some little building game on his phone.

Ok so first off hey, hi, hello, how've you been? Good? Oh that's great.

Ok now what's going on is that every Sunday (here goes a lot of names so be prepared)
•Jimin and I
•Jin and Anzi
•Hobi and Jessy
•Ron and Janessa
•Yoongi and Sahira (whose a couple)
•Namjoon and Loren (another couple)
•Tae and Angelica (another one)
•Jungkookie and Khatira (another)

All of us go to a brunch at this restaurant and obviously eat. Usually Jenesis and Ramona watch Moon and Hendi for us. Odd how the two women get along. But hey Ramona's not that bad everyone. Shocking. I know.

Today there was a little twist.

Jenesis texted Anzi and I that she nor Ramona was able to watch the kids for us today. They wanted to come along and eat to. Which is completely fine. Totally understandable. But the first brunch we had the kids came with us and the they started throwing crayons everywhere.

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