38. Ultrasound

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4 months into the pregnancy
Sahira's POV:

"Your going today?" I asked Maya a bit surprised. Just the other week she had an appointment.

"Yeah. I'm 17 weeks in and I really want to know the gender." Anzi figured out her gender just the other day. She won't tell us which one it is though. At least not yet, probably not until we all figure out our own.

You know Maya may be younger than me but it certainly feels like I'm being looked down upon on sometimes. Like during this process, we're far but not that far into the pregnancy and she's been a great help to us all believe it or not.

"What time do you have to go?" I asked sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips.

"9:30 ish." She shoved the spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.

"Wait you got an ultrasound check today?" Jessy walked into the room also with Anzi following behind her. The rest of the girls are at the salon covering our spots.

"Yup. I'm kind of excited but also nervous."

"Why would you be ner-" Anzi was cut off.

"Ou what's that?!!" Jessy, Maya, and myself harmonized immediately sitting up as Anzi pulled out something that looked delicious.

"I don't know but I found it in the cabinets and it tastes really good. Here you want?" She offered us some and like the pigs we are we horked that shit down.

"Mmm." Jessy licked her fingers.

"That was good." I was mesmerized.

"What was that? You sure it's from my kitchen?" Maya asked a bit surprised.


"Hm that's probably Jimin's food. Anywho my appointments in like 30 minutes so not to be rude or anything, but I can't leave you guys here alone in my house with all my food. I'm pretty sure if I were to leave then come back there would be absolutely nothing left. Just saying." She said as kind as possible.

I'm not offended because I'd say the same thing. If I were to come home and not find any food in my house; pregnant or not pregnant, someone's going to be receiving a nice, salon polished foot up their ass.

"We get it. Let's go to Ramona's. She'll give us anything we want." Anzi happily recommend and we all prepared ourselves to leave.

Are we bad people?


Maya's POV:

"So Miss and Mister Park." The technician woman called as she placed some gel on my stomach.

"Yes?" I've gotten used to people calling me Misses Park during all these appointments. To be completely honest I kind of enjoy it.

"Do you guys think you'll be finding out what gender your having today?"

"Hopefully. We're both excited. And actually nervous." Jimin answered.

"Eh! There's nothing to be nervous about! This is supposed to be a great moment. Just be only excited! So tell me, what do you both want?" The woman washed her hands in a sink.

"I really don't care honestly. I'm completely fine with having an alien." I said.

"Me too." Jimin agreed.

"Oh well that's nice." She put on some gloves.

"I was once pregnant before." She brought up.

"Now were you. How was it? Did you enjoy your journey?" Jimin politely asked.

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