25. 8429

45 9 49

7:12 pm

Austin's POV:

"Ok my males first! Line up!" I announced and no one moved. Not all my people are here for this mission. I only need a few because this mission isn't much of a hassle.

"Hemen!" I roll called.





"Right here."

"Marcus!" I called with no response. So I tried again. "MARCUS!!"

"What?!" He answered sitting next to Layla.

"It's here or 2b." I corrected him.

"No. It's big bro but I'm here."

"Ok now my girls line up!" They didn't even move but it's fine though.

"Ok so Layla!" I called out.

"Here!! Sttoopp!" She whined; Marcus kept taking photos of her.

"These youngsters. Ugh so cute. Geisha!"

"Zamm boi!"



"And Ri."

"Here broseok!" I'm aware.

"Why didn't you call my name?" Someone said behind me.

I turned around to see who it was and it was my boss. The big boss.

"Oh um. Sorry. Haha Steve!!" I played along.

"Present. Now son. What time we leavin?" He put his hand on my shoulder.

"We go in at 8. But we'll be leaving as soon as possible."

"Ok do you know the address?"

"No sir. Lay said she'll tell me when we begin driving."

"I haven't seen her in two years. I've never met Austina either. This should be fun." He smiled to himself. He called my daughter by her name. It makes me happy.

Why do I want Moo- no Austina so bad? Sorry.

Well it's because I can raise her to be a part of A.S.T. That's what we're called by the way if you didn't know.

Yeah I may have told Maya I didn't want nothing to do with Austina but I thought about it for a few months then I realized she'd be amazing to have. I'm pretty sure she took after her father (me) and I know she'll be great at what she'll be doing. So I wanted her.

If she's raised by me and is taught with my skills. She'd be the best gangster in the entire world.

If I teach her good enough. She'd be able to shoot Maya miles away if I we're to influence her to do so. Like she'd be great. Better than Marcus and I.

Steve's POV:

"Austin, Hemen, Marcus, Layla, and Sabrina. You all are in van 1. Layla's driving." I organized. All my best.

"Lucas, Danny, Geisha, Natalie, you guys are with me. Geisha's driving ours." Everybody gathered their weapons and their back up disguises. It's for 'just incase'. Just in case we need to make a run for it.

"Layla, where does she live?" Austin asked.

"8429 Tony Avenue." So that's where she lives.

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