22. News

64 11 116

^The vibe inspired this chapter^
Listen to the song while your reading. Optional. :)

Jimin's POV:

"Jin!!" I yelled walking out the bathroom.

"JINNNNN!!!" I yelled again after I got no response. I headed downstairs.


"WHAT!" He yelled back.

"SHUT UP! IM TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP YOU FUCKERS!!" Hobi yelled very quietly from his room.

"SORRYYY!! I want to make a cake for someone. I need help and-"

"No." He shortly responded lying on the couch texting someone.

"What why?"

"Last time you asked me the help you, you took all the credit after I did all the work." He made no eye contact.

"When have I ever done that?"

"Let's see so there was the cookies I made for Moon, those cupcakes I made for Hobi, the ones that I told him to take the credit for when he would give it to Jessy but you took full credit for it instead, the brownies for Nam-"

"Ok I promise to mention your name. Now pleaseeeee can you help me. Pweaseeee."

"Ew please don't."

"Jin. Please?"

"Whose it for?" Still no eye contact happening by the way.

"Maya. I already know the flavor and everything. I just need your help with the measurements and temperatures. I'll do everything you just guide me."


"Please I need your hel-Wait did you just say yes??"


"Cool...." He's still not looking at me. "Can I go fuck your sister?"

"Which one?"

"You only have one."

"Yeah. Sure."

"Should I go jump off a cliff?"


"Are you paying attention to me?"


"Ok." I walked to where his head was rested. I squatted down and looked to see who he was texting.

I want to know who it could be that's distracting the Kim Seok-Jin. > THE < Kim Seok-Jin. The dude who notices every move every person makes. He just said I can go fuck Maya with no care in the world. Dafuq?

Z Babes:
He wants to know if you can. :D

Tell him I said sure. I'll be there.

Z Babes:
Ok. Go help your bro. Stop ignoring him.

But. I don't want to. He's mean. ;)

Z Babes:
Seok-Jin. Go help your brother. Or I won't respond.

Byee :* love you!<3

"Whose Z Babes??" I asked.

"W-What??" He hid his phone in his chest.

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