9. (A) The Night Call

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As days passed everyone's gotten pretty close.

The boys have been coming over a lot more often. After work and on weekends sometimes a few come one day, then a few the next, then sometimes they'd all come. I made sure I letted them know that this is their second home.

When ever Taehyung & Hobi would come, the two would sometimes bring Moon a small gift.

For example a pack of Play-Doh that either they'd end up playing with-with her and making her fake food out of it, or when she plays with it by herself.

I still have to sit and watch her to make sure she doesn't eat the fake food made. Well I kind of have to watch them all to be more specific.

What's funny is when Jin & Jungkook would come they'd bring her all sorts of things like they're trying to buy her persona.

Example: a whole meal from McDonalds, or a large teddy bear that's usually sold during Valentines season, and OU! The best one was when they bought her a pet turtle. Aw man! The poor little thing died two days later.

I didn't even pay attention to the thing to be honest I only took responsibility for the fat ass bunny we own and my own child.

How do you even take care of a turtle exactly? Put it in some water and feed it a couple of pebbles a day? Sorry turtle lovers. I still like ninja turtles though!

When Namjoon and Yoongi would come in the mix as well, I swear they have made a whole other new Moon phase called lazy.

No twilight, no new moon, no eclipse, none of that. When their here it's just lazy. She sits back at does nothing. Absolutely nothing. She does everything before she goes and chills with them don't get me wrong. When she finishes with what she's been needed to do thats when she flops down on the couch with them.

Lastly with Jimin. Well she and him act like they really are father and daughter which scares the shit out of me. She even calls him daddy now. I know freaky right?

I remember when she asked me if she can call him daddy instead of papa from now on. I thought I was going crazy.

Her and I were eating dinner and she came straight out with it, "Mommy can I start calling Papa, Daddy?" That was when all the food I had stuffed in my mouth got stuck in my throat, which caused me to choke, which lead to me coughing, and that lead me to spitting all my food out all over the chicken I had made that night.

The food tasted delicious, but I didn't get to finish it all. That's what happens when you become a pig Maya.

She reasoned it as of because Papa ChimChim is a lot to say for her. -_- What type of excuse is that for a 3 year old. THATS STRAIGHT OUT LAZY!

Now she calls him daddy and he actually enjoys it. It's a little weird considering that my daughter is calling one of my best friends who isn't necessarily straight 'Daddy' when he's really not the father. Do you see where I'm coming from?

I mean I was actually thinking a lot about him. How I had a tiny crush on him back in sophomore year the night I saw everyone again.

To bad the next day I found out from Yoongi that he was with Jungkook. I didn't see that coming at all.

I don't think they like to show their Jikook moments in front of Moon though. Maybe their to mature for her? PDA perhaps?

They don't seem that close when they come over, but I remember what Yoongi said about them and there fun time so I'm not judging.


I had just finished cleaning the dishes and I decided to flop down on top of a slumply sitting Moon.

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