33. The Planning

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Ramona's POV:

"So My? What about this one?" Anzi asked stepping onto the step board not even looking in the mirror yet.

"Well I'll let you know my thoughts after I know yours. Turn. Look." Maya gestured.

She turned around and gasped. "Oh my gosh. I love this one. Oh my. It's stunning. Oh lord. Look at it My. Look at the flow it has to it! Look! What do you think about it?" She twirled around in the mirror.

"My??" She turned around. "Oh my- MAYA! Stop with the crying! It's going to effect me! Stop!"

"I'm sorry. *wipes eyes and giggles* You look stunning in that Anzi. You- huh? Oh thanks." Ron handed her a tissue.

"Can we just have the box please? I'm going to need some to. Thanks." He told the bridal consultant.

It's only Ron, Maya, Anzi, Jin's Mother, and myself here. Sad how Layla isn't here. Jin's brother couldn't come. He didn't trust himself. He said he might spoil the look to his brother. Same goes for Hendi.

"Keep it. We have a ton more."

"How much is it?" Maya and Jin's mother asked as they both wiped their eyes.

"Hm I don't know." Anzi raised her arm and had a fight grabbing the wiggly tag.

"Oh no I can't have this. Miss come get me out of this big beautiful piece of cloth. I need to be out of this ASAP!!" She jumbled up the dress from the bottom preparing to walk back to the dressing room.

"Wait how much is it?" Ron, Jin's mother, and I asked.

"$6,230.00 sharp. It's a thousand and two-thirty over my budget. I can't have Jin spend that much money on a dress I'll onl-"

"I'll pitch in. It's fine." Maya said as if it was nothing.

"Oh no no I can't have you do that. That's to much to ask for. I can't-"

"Z. You look stunning in that dress. Ok yeah you may only wear it once but that's once. You'll never be able to experience anything in that dress ever again. It's supposed to be special. Listen I'm holding the money he's paying with, and I myself brought a few extra thousand along just in case something like this happened. It's completely fine Anzi. Think of it as part A. to your wedding gift."

She stood there looking down at the dress and  slightly twirling in it like a little girl. "But what do I tell Jin? He'll be angry that I didn't ask for more money."

"I'll tell him after the wedding. You know after he sees you in the dress. He won't have any other option but to thank me because trust me, he is going to love this look. No doubt about it."

I'm pretty sure Maya won her over with that.

"So Miss? Are you saying yes to this dress?" The sales woman asked Anzi.

Anzi looked at Maya."Thank you." She smiled and said. "I'm saying yes."

After I high-fived Maya we all yelled yay and huddled up around her with congratulating hugs.


Anzi's POV:

"Here are some sampled cake flavors to try." The owner to this bakery lead.

Bakers came and brought out a bunch of tiny plates with small pieces of cake on them, and set them on the table in front of Jin, Hendi, and myself. Stingy much.

I feel like this is the most fun part of all the wedding planning. Eating a lot of cake for free.

"Ok so the first one I'm going to have you try is the Devils Food cake flavor. It's more of a chocolatey chocolate flavor. Enjoy." Oh did I enjoy it thank you very much.

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