24. The Meeting

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Austin's POV:

"Everyone's here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yup. Yes. Mhm." They answered.

"Ok good. Tomorrow we have the big mission. What's the #1 rule?"

"Do not get caught. If 2B gets caught then we all get caught. If 2B is left behind, we all stay behind."  They all queried.

"Good. Now tomorrow night we meet up back over here at 8 then it's a go. Don't be late. You all are excused now." The began to scatter.

"Lay. Can I have a word with you?" I called her over.

"What is it?"

"If we get left behind I still want you to drive off. With or without us. You out of all of us cannot get caught. You have the privilege and you've got my word."

"Thank you 2B."

"You can leave now. Marcus come get your girl!" I teased the two.

"Hemen!" I called the man over. "Tomorrow you play as you. No Eva, no her, no she. Tomorrow it's he. You play as you. You get the girl got it?"

"Got it. 2B."

"Sabrina come for a sec!" I called my sister over.


"When Hemen gets the girl you kill the mother. Don't second guess on this one Ri. I'll have Marcus do your job if you don't do it in the seconds mattered. I'll tell him to even stab her beforehand, make her suffer. If you take to long. Understood?"

She was hesitant. "...Understood."

Everything's set. Now we just wait for tomorrow night.


Maya's POV:

I woke up hearing the fire alarm going off like crazy and smelling something burn.

I jumped out of bed but then immediately stopped from pain that dashed all around my thighs and my stomach.

"Sllll! God damMIT! Just walk. Why can't I fucking walk for once. I always got to make a damn run for everything." I ranted about myself.

I limped down to the kitchen and saw smoke everywhere.

"WHATS GOING ON?!?" I yelled as the fire alarm buzzed even louder.

"MOONS IN HER ROOM!! IVE GOT THIS UNDER CONTROL GO BACK TO BED!!" Jimin yelled with his shirt over his nose swooshing away the smoke coming from the stove.

I grabbed a mitten and flapped it in front of the alarm with my shirt covering my nose as well.

It stopped buzzing, I opened some windows, and turned on some fans.

"I can't believe I didn't think of that." He said.

"Care to explain." I said taking a melted pan off my stove and throwing it in the sink with cold water running on it.

"So I um tried to make some eggs for you. Well it was actually Moon and I, but I ended up playing Just Dance with her.. Annnd I sorta kinda got caught up in the game." He nervously laughed.

"I smelt smoke and told her to go upstairs and to not tell you. I said she can come down when ever it's clear." He added.

"How do you melt a pan with eggs Jimin??" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. That was my favorite pan..

I turned off the water and grabbed the pan walking his way.

"WOAH WOAH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He put his hands out before him.

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