Futakuchi Kenji || Blame

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i realize i haven't been writing as much now that it's summer so i'm gonna update as much as i can this weeked 

can't be sleeping 

keep on wakin' 

is that the woman next to me?

guilt is burning 

inside i'm hurting 

this ain't a feeling i can keep

He knew he had made a grave mistake when he saw the unfamiliar body next to him. (first name) was on a trip back home to see their family. A feeling of guilt was eating Kenji's insides as the person next to him moved. 

She sat up, rubbing their eyes. "I guess I should get up and go, based on the look on your face." He nodded and waited until she left to scream and cry. 

so blame it on the night

don't blame it on me

don't blame it on me

blame it on the night

don't blame it on me

don't blame it on me

The brunette checked his phone for the first time since last night. 3 missed calls, 1 voicemail. He played the message, taking in every single word his partner spoke. 

"Kenji, I'm guessing your friend in at the apartment now. I hope she's doing ok after her divorce. Tell her I hope she's ok. Well, they're pulling the plug on grandpa tonight and I just wanted to call and say that I love you and that I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Love you!"

Tears poured out of Kenji's eyes as he covered his face. 

can't you see it, i was manipulated by it

too little to the dawn 

i had no choice in this

i was a friend she missed

she needed me to talk

When (first name) arrived home, they walked to their bedroom. Kenji was sleeping. He was speaking and crying, drawing his lover's attention. "I'm sorry (first name)... Don't leave me... She begged me to... It was a mistake..."

(first name) covered their face, tears prickling from their (eye color) orbs. "You didn't... did you?" 

so blame it on the night

don't blame it on me

don't blame it on me

blame it on the night 

don't blame it on me

don't blame it on me

Kenji woke up, his throat burning. The painful feeling of guilt still remained in his stomach. "When is (first name) gonna be home?" he thought to himself. As he walked to the kitchen, he failed to notice the extra pair of shoes at the door. A cough came from behind him causing him to turn around. "(first name)..."

"Kenji, did you cheat on me?" 

oh i'm so sorry, so sorry baby

i will be better this time

i got to say, i'm so sorry

oh, i promise

(first name) and Kenji decided to take a break, (first name) staying with their best friend. "Will you come back," Kenji asked as they slipped their shoes on. 

"I-I don't know. I just need to think about this." And with that, they left. 

Halfway into a week, Kenji cracked. He called their phone, texted called (best friend), anything to get ahold of (first name). When (first name) finally picked up their phone, Kenji sobbed.

"I'm sorry. Don't blame it on me."

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