Chapter Three

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When Baekhyun wakes up, his whole body aches. "So young man, where have you been?" A soft voice asks making Baekhyun turn to the direction, it's his sister, Eunji. Baekhyun holds his head, "ughh. I was out with Kai..." She shakes her head, "that stupid party boy. Now look at you, and what's this pinkish part on your lips?" Baekhyun frowns, he can't remember anything other than drinking with Kai and his friends.

"Um, I dunno..?"

Eunji raises an eyebrow, "fine. Don't tell me.. Good thing mom isn't home, she'll be furious" Baekhyun slowly sat, before he could explain she glares at him. "You broke the gate oppa" Baekhyun is surprised. "I did..?"

Kai can't stop laughing after listening to Chanyeol's story. "He just left? When you woke up he's gone? Geez he's always crazy when drunk. He just transforms" Chanyeol silently sighs as he wears his corporate attire, "tell me about it" he mumbles. He didn't tell Kai what really happened because a) its his business and b) Kai is a blabbermouth and Chanyeol doesn't trust him. Hell he doesn't trust anyone, even his mom.

Chanyeol's wrists hurt even as he arrives in school. He is so pissed of by Byun Baekhyun that he immediately smirked when he sees the latter by the lockers.

Baekhyun just wants to sleep all day, thanks to his friend Kim Jongin aka Kai who lets him drink whatever that is. He grabs his psychology book, he is about to close his locker when he sees his picture with Taeyeon. They are holding hands and laughing hysterically. He could remember that day, the two of them decided to go to the ocean park, a day before Baekhyun's birthday.

It was all a surprise, even if it's his day. Taeyeon was so surprised by his act that she almost cried. They enjoyed their time so much, surprisingly it was one of their outings wherein they didn't get into a fight. Baekhyun would never forget that day, thinking about it now makes him want to cry again but he knows he can't. He's in school and as much as he wants to break down, he shouldn't. He should man up and accept Taeyeon's decision.

He closes his locker and he almost drops his book when he sees Chanyeol smirking at him. "Chanyeol?" He asks.

Chanyeol looks at him from head to toe while Baekhyun raises an eyebrow. "Do you remember what happened last night?" Chanyeol asks, emphasizing the words, last night. Baekhyun tilts his head like a clueless puppy. "Um, I was with Kai."

"And..?" Chanyeol asks, moving closer to Baekhyun who steps backward until Chanyeol is able to corner him by the locker. He places his hands by the locker, removing an exit for the latter. "Did you see this?" Chanyeol asks and points his wrist using his mouth.

"Huh?" Baekhyun asks, not getting Chanyeol's message. Chanyeol continues pointing the wrist but Baekhyun still doesn't get it. Chanyeol sighs, "my wrist you little..." Baekhyun turns and sees it, still reddish.

"Omo, what happened?" He asks with concern. Chanyeol takes a deep breath. "You tied me up" Baekhyun frowns, "why would I do that?" Chanyeol looks at him like Baekhyun is the dumbest person he knows. "I don't know Byun Baekhyun, ask yourself" Baekhyun looks so confused that made Chanyeol sigh once again.

"Well 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to' Chanyeol mocks, he is about to leave when Baekhyun holds his wrist. "Ouch" Chanyeol frowns while Baekhyun immediately removes his hands. "Sorry. I'm just so surprised. I.. I'll make it up to you" Chanyeol smirks, "you better" he then walks away.

Kai found Baekhyun thinking deeply by the cafeteria, he frowns that his friend might be thinking about Taeyeon again. "Baek!" Kai shouts but his friend can't hear him. He jumps into the seat across Baekhyun, surprising the latter.

"Kai!" Baekhyun says, eye wide. Kai analyzes his expression, "stop thinking about Taeyeon" Baekhyun shakes his head innocently, "I'm not.." Kai looks at him disbelievingly, but it was true, Baekhyun's mind is still at what Chanyeol told him.

Baekhyun wants to tell it to Kai but he knew that Kai is a) a friend of Chanyeol's and b) a blabbermouth so he's just gonna add to the mess. Kai shrugs after getting another blank expression from Baekhyun.

Kai is about to eat when he saw Chanyeol frowning as he walks across the cafeteria. "Chanyeol!" Kai shouts, but Chanyeol is too engrossed on his phone.

He received a message from his mother asking him to attend a business meeting. He has a class that time but he knows this business is more important. He sighs and walks out of the school.

Chanyeol sighs once again as he starts the engine, this is his life, other than school, he has to take care of his family business as well. His mother is so busy that she can't attend small meetings like this, so ever since Chanyeol was in high school, he's the one representing her.

He wore his sunglasses as he enters the prestigious building. Everyone is in awe as he passes by, he walks to the President's building when his whole world stopped when he saw a familiar face.

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