Chapter Twenty Six

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When Baekhyun wakes up, he feels his head hurt so much he just wants to go to sleep. He is about to close his eyes when he realizes something, he's in an unknown room. He tries to focus his eyes and looks around, the room is empty but so familiar. Suddenly, his heart started pounding, he's in Chanyeol's unit.

He immediately tries to stand up but he can't, his head aches so much. Just then the door opens, revealing Chanyeol with a tray of food. He looks surprised to see Baekhyun awake. "Hey" he greets and place the tray on the table, Baekhyun just smiles.

He holds his head, he can't remember seeing Chanyeol at the bar nor remembering why he was at Chanyeol's place. "Uh.. I need to go" he says and stands up, he is about to leave when Chanyeol grabs his hand, stopping Baekhyun with a fast heartbeat. Baekhyun slowly turns to Chanyeol who looks at him, as if looking for something else.

"Uh, eat breakfast first" Chanyeol offers, his tone more on cold than concerned. Baekhyun bit his lip, he can't understand what he's feeling and he is starting to hate it. "But..." He stops when Chanyeol is still looking at him. "Yah. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Chanyeol smiles, a smile that Baekhyun often sees. "Nothing. Can't I look at you?" Baekhyun can now feel his cheeks burn. "Damn.." He thought and looks away. Chanyeol can't know his secret, he can't even admit it to himself. Chanyeol sits and starts eating when he looks at Baekhyun who is still frozen on the spot. "Baek, let's eat"

Baekhyun scratches his head and tries to focus, he gets the plate with shaking hands, something Chanyeol noticed. He couldn't help but smirk, so the confession is true. Baekhyun smiles and starts eating, "you cooked this?" He asks, trying to give off a happy vibes. Chanyeol nods and continues eating.

Baekhyun smiles, he didn't know that Chanyeol can cook, the food is delicious. But before he can enjoy the food, he remembers something. "Hey Chanyeol, I.. How did I end up here?"

Chanyeol looks at him in disbelief. "You don't remember anything?" Baekhyun innocently shakes his head. Chanyeol takes a deep breath, "then I won't tell you"

Baekhyun was surprised. "H-huh? Why is that? Hey I deserve to know" Chanyeol looks at the latter and smirk, "well you owe me a lot of things Baekhyun. Do that first and I'll tell you" Baekhyun frowns, "that's unfair."

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow, "I remember that you tied me up before..." Baekhyun sighs, he still can't remember that one. He bit his lip, "but! I sucked the venom out of your thigh"

This time, Chanyeol could feel his cheeks burn, but since he's an expert, he hides it well. He looks at Baekhyun, "speaking of, why did you do that?" Baekhyun continues to eat, and answers innocently, "because I was worried. If the venom continued to flow to your body, who knows what would happen to you"

Chanyeol was right, Baekhyun is a nice person. He is the type of guy who prioritizes others than himself. Something Chanyeol can like, but then he knows he can't like Baekhyun. It's such a complicated matter and love is something that Chanyeol disapproves.


Baekhyun stops eating and looks at Chanyeol, he couldn't believe what he's hearing. The way Chanyeol thanked him feels like he really did something good, and once again he starts to feel his heart pound faster. He remembers that he shouldn't stay, he should leave. His feelings are just so confused and the more he stays with Chanyeol, the more it gets complicated. But he can't, there's something happening in that moment that he can't explain.

He feels relaxed, although his heart is beating loudly, being with Chanyeol makes him feel okay. Like everything is in place, like his break up with Taeyeon never existed, that he's the happy go lucky Baekhyun again. His thoughts stop when he feels Chanyeol standing across him.

"Starting from today, don't leave my side"

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