Chapter Twenty One

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Chanyeol looks at the now empty room. He can't believe that Baekhyun left him. "He's acting really weird" he mumbles. Just then he feels someone stop infront of him, he turns and sees the pretty male from before.

Luhan smiles at him, a smile that Chanyeol can feel somehow fake. "Hi"

Chanyeol smiles, a fake one but he is sure that this person will never find out since he's a better actor. "Um, hello" Luhan smiles, he is caught by Chanyeol's acting. "How can that Taehyung tell that Chanyeol is a monster when he's not?" He thinks.

"I'm Luhan. Transfer student, you must be Park Chanyeol"

Chanyeol tries his best not to smirk, of course Baekhyun told him who he is. But he has to act like he doesn't know a thing. "Oh, did we meet before?" He asks.

That's when Luhan realizes something is off. He is planning on saying the truth, but he changes his mind. "Uh, you're famous. Lot of girls have been talking about you" Chanyeol innocently nods. "So what brings you to our room?" Luhan asks directly, he wants to know why Baekhyun ran off like that and it's Chanyeol fault obviously.

Chanyeol smiles, this Luhan is very direct. "I was looking for someone..." Luhan smirks, Chanyeol laughs inside of course Luhan wants to know the truth and he obviously knows that Baekhyun ran away. Luhan is smart but Chanyeol is smarter. They continue to look at each other, the air starts to grow intense since both of them want something from each other.

Luhan is about to say something when a very familiar face enter the scene. "Hey guys! I didn't know you're friends" Luhan and Chanyeol turn to Kai.

Baekhyun stops running after he finally feels his knees weaken. He sighs and wipes his sweat. "Aish stupid Chanyeol, making me run this long.. Ah so tired" he mumbles and sits by the bench by the waiting shed for buses.

He takes a deep breath, "what does he want anyway?" He mumbles, and Chanyeol is looking so confused, worried and somehow angry. Baekhyun tries to think about it, did he do something he can't remember? He holds his head, "aish why am I so forgetful... Causing so much trouble." He remembers what he felt when he saw Chanyeol. "No.. I can't be.." He mumbles.

"Ah, no we're not. I just saw him here" Luhan says, looking away, meaning Chanyeol won. Chanyeol smiles at Kai who just nodded. "I gotta go. Kyungsoo is waiting for me" Before Kai could protest, Chanyeol turns around and walks away.

Luhan watches Chanyeol, he is so sure that Baekhyun is running away from Chanyeol, but why? Isn't it Chanyeol that's supposed to run away from Baekhyun because he finally knows the truth? Luhan is starting to get confused and intrigued.

Luhan turns to Kai who seems to be in deep thought. "Hey, you okay?" Kai nods, "so Kyungsoo is back, so the one on one session is not because of Baekhyun at all" he thinks.

Kai knows the truth, not because Chanyeol told him but somehow in his party goer mind, he was able to read their actions. Kyungsoo was so obvious with his feelings and there are times when Chanyeol was so drunk that he tells Kai how frustrating their situation is, but Kai acts natural. He wants Chanyeol to tell him the truth, he's been waiting for years now but the latter doesn't trust him enough.

But Kai is confused, why is Chanyeol suddenly curious about Baekhyun's affairs? He needs to find out.

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