Chapter Thirty Three

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"W-WHAT?!" Baekhyun shouts, loud enough to surprise Chanyeol as well. Before Chanyeol could say anything, Baekhyun starting hitting him so hard that Chanyeol can feel his arms hurt, he tries struggling the furious and offended Baekhyun but he can't. "Aish!" He shouts, grabs Baekhyun's arm closer to him until they're inches apart.

Baekhyun's eyes widen by the sudden closeness, he couldn't understand Chanyeol. The giant is so weird, he doesn't know what to react because half of him tells him that he should be happy but the same time, something feels wrong. But the more Baekhyun stares at Chanyeol's eyes, the more he falls for the latter's trap.

Chanyeol knew Baekhyun was beautiful, he also knows how pretty and kissable those lips are and given the situation, he just couldn't stop himself. He finds himself weird that his heart is owned by Kyungsoo but he has this desperation to be with Baekhyun. He continued to pull Baekhyun closer, until their nose touches.

He could feel Baekhyun's body tremble, but his gaze was focused on the lips. He slowly tilts his head, removing the distance until he catches those wet lips.

Baekhyun's eyes widen, he was frozen. His heart was beating so fast, his body is trembling that he couldn't barely feel Chanyeol's lips on him. When Chanyeol moves away, it's as if time continues and he was able to breathe again.

The look on Baekhyun's face was priceless to Chanyeol. He couldn't help but smirk, "so.. What do you say?" The confusion on Baekhyun's face turned into anger. "Are you out of your freaking mind?! I'm not going to do that! And.. Why did you kiss me.. Huh?! You're... You're..." Before Baekhyun can continue, Chanyeol smiles. "You look adorable when you're irritated"

Baekhyun's cheeks turn into crimson red, he couldn't be defeated but the kiss was too much for him to handle. "Shut up! I hate you" he crosses his arms and looks away while Chanyeol laughs. "You're like a little girl" Baekhyun rolls his eyes, "gee thanks.. At least I don't sexually assault people"

Chanyeol smirks, "you liked it so it's not a crime" Baekhyun frowns, "I did not like it" Chanyeol smiles and starts to drive, "everyone likes the way I kiss" Baekhyun rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

Baekhyun couldn't sleep that night, thanks to Chanyeol who ruined everything. Now Baekhyun is sure that he is gay but the same time, his feelings are so confused as well. He kept on tossing around hoping to get tired and fall asleep but he can't. "Baek.. Let's sleep" Luhan says as he can't sleep because of the movement. Baekhyun sighs and looks at his friend whose sleeping beside him.

"Luhan..." "Hmm..?" "D-do you think I'm gay?"

Luhan's tired eyes opened, he turns to Baekhyun's side and noticed his friend's worry. "Honestly? I don't.. I knew you for the longest time and I was so sure that you're straight.. But after Chanyeol came along, I don't know.." Baekhyun sighs and bit his lip. "I.. I'm afraid.."

Luhan warmly smiles and pats his friend's head. "Being gay is not bad, a lot of people might not accept you at first.. But do what makes you happy. Follow your heart" Suddenly, a tear fell from Baekhyun's eye. "I.. I just don't want people to look at me differently and my mom, what will she say? How about Eunji?" Luhan moves closer to Baekhyun and hugs him.

"Your mom and sister will understand, they love you and all they want is for you to have the happiness that you deserve. If Chanyeol will be that then we don't have a choice"

Baekhyun burries his face on Luhan's chest. "I don't know Luhan.. I'm so afraid.. Afraid of everything"

Luhan lightly smiles and strokes Baekhyun's hair, "remember the story when I first realized that I'm gay? I was so afraid that my family would abandon me since they expect me to carry on our surname since I'm only the guy in the family. Remember what you told me back then?" Baekhyun looks at Luhan as if the scene just happened yesterday.

"Would you rather hide forever and pretend that you're something you're not? Will you let them have your only ticket to happiness?"

Luhan smiles as Baekhyun recites the line. "Exactly. Listen, your family isn't as strict as ours and knowing Mrs Byun, she won't judge you." Baekhyun shakes his head, "but the people..." Luhan laughs, "aigoo this friend of mine, stop thinking about others. Think of yourself!"

Chanyeol was looking through the city from his glass window. Everything is wrong, it was a wrong move to let Baekhyun inside his life. Baekhyun is not a normal person, he has Taehyung who hates Chanyeol to death and if that issue continues, Chanyeol might regret everything. But the same time, Chanyeol enjoys the excitement, the mystery.

He knows that for him, Baekhyun is just a mysterious toy. A funny person who has these amazing facial expression and does not know he has another persona inside him. The curiosity of how Taehyung was created keeps Chanyeol lookinh forward to see Baekhyun. Or so what he tells himself.

He gets his notebook and looks at Baekhyun's name, he erases the word "distraction" and changed it to "favorite toy".

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