Chapter Sixty Three

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It was as if Baekhyun's world fell apart. He couldn't internalize fully what was written on the said notebook. He can't believe that Chanyeol thinks he's just a toy after all this time.

His chest is hurting, tears are starting to form in his eyes. He finally thinks that he'll be happy but why does this has happen? Why now, when he is so sure that he loves Chanyeol?

Chanyeol just wants to throw his phone away and live in the province with Baekhyun. He wants to leave everything. He doesn't care about money or power anymore. Although this is against his beliefs before, he decides to follow what he really wants.

He is about to see Baekhyun when he sees the puppy in a rush outside. "Hey, Baek! Where are you going?" He asks but the latter didn't respond. The giant scratches his head and heads to the living room instead.

For some reason, Kai is nervous. He knows that Baekhyun at these situations but he can't really tell. Not with Chanyeol being the issue. These past few months, Kai started to notice the changes in Baekhyun. Sure, he is still as lovable as before but his feelings for Chanyeol seem to be deeper compared to when he was with Taeyeon.

"Baek" he calls the puppy who just enters the shop. Kai flashes his usual smile and moves the drink to Baekhyun. But the latter doesn't seem to appreciate it. Rather, Baekhyun looks stressed and confused.

"I'm sorry that I have to show it to you, as a friend I just want to let you know these things" Kai started but it's as if Baekhyun is not listening at all. "Where did you get it?"

Kai was right, he is not seeing the lovely Baekhyun today.

"Kyung gave it to me the day we saved Chanyeol. I told him to stop doing these things to Chanyeol but he just handed me over the notebook" he explains and looks through his friend's eyes for any sign of calmness.

But there isn't.

"H-how can we be sure that he really owns it?" Baekhyun asks, stuttering. He is trying to keep his cool down. He is not mad at anyone; he appreciates Kai's actions and maybe Kyungsoo's. He also doesn't blame Chanyeol, that was his perspective plus that is his privacy but he is disappointed in himself. For believing and falling for someone's words so easily.

Kai sighs, "Baek, we both know that's Chanyeol's handwriting" Baekhyun shook his head, he starts to feel dizzy but he controls it.

Kai holds his friend's trembling hand. "I think you should talk to Chanyeol. This is the only way for you to know the truth." Baekhyun looks at him, "and what if this is the truth..?"

The tanned man sighs. "Then, you should accept it and instead of being depressed, think of all the good things he did for you"

"So are you saying that it's okay to you? Knowing that he used you for all these years?"

It was the question that always lingered on Kai's mind. He has been friends with Chanyeol for so long that he treats him as his own brother but knowing Chanyeol's thoughts makes him sad and disappointed as well.

"I don't know. I was aware that he's a robot.. but I don't know"

Baekhyun feels as if someone had broken up with him once again. His ride home was quiet, he was so busy with his thoughts that he didn't even notice that there are people shouting inside their house.

When he enters, he saw Luhan and Chanyeol by the living room. Chanyeol is sitting by the sofa, holding the blue notebook.

"If I think of Baekhyun as my toy, why would I made these efforts for him?! Why would I befriend each and everyone of you, especially Baekhyun's asshole persona? You and I both know that Taehyung is dying to kill me but I did my best to prove to him that I really care about Baekhyun." Chanyeol explains while Luhan is still crossing his arms.

"Taeyeon also befriended Taehyung and the rest of us. That doesn't make you special, Chanyeol"

Chanyeol frustratedly pulls his hair. "Why are you so narrow minded Luhan? You know the truth. I should've told Baekhyun that he has split personality ages ago!"

Before Luhan could react, Baekhyun spoke. "I have split personality...?"

Luhan and Chanyeol shockingly turns to him.

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