Chapter Sixty Five

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It was devastating to see Baekhyun's bright personality totally change into someone who is gloomy and depressed. Ever since the revelation, he no longer goes out of his room. He would stay there all day, even if Luhan or Eunji place some food by his door, he wouldn't bother to get it and eat.

Luhan never expected it to be like this. Sure, he knows Baekhyun would be furious and shocked but not this kind of reaction. It's like he is slowly killing himself. But what Luhan hates the most is how Chanyeol is reacting. He doesn't do anything to talk to Baekhyun. He would just sit by the door for 3-4 hours and leave.

"What kind of treatment is that?!" Luhan exclaims as he washes the dishes while Sehun is sitting by the dining table. "Well, we don't know for sure. But maybe it'll work..?" Luhan stops and glares at his boyfriend. "How will it work if Baekhyun doesn't even know that it's him? We saw Chanyeol change Taehyung to Baekhyun a couple of times and even if I hate him to death of what he thought about Baekhyun, shouldn't it be right to prove to us that he really loves my bestfriend?"

Sehun crosses his arms as he thinks about it. "Maybe he's just thinking of a new approach?" Luhan rolls his eyes and goes back to washing. "I don't know. I'm tired of thinking and I hate this situation."

It's been 3 days since Baekhyun locked himself out of the world. Luhan swore that he'll break the door tomorrow because he needs to make sure that Baekhyun is alive.

It was the night of the 3rd day, when Chanyeol decided to camp outside Baekhyun's room. He knows how Luhan hates him right now but he doesn't care. He is also aware that the chinese man is hoping that he'd help. For 3 consecutive days, it was only that night when Chanyeol decides to open the door.

He knows that Baekhyun opens it when he knows that Luhan and Eunji are both asleep. He realized it on the first day, but decided to give the puppy some space. But Luhan is right, even if the truth hurts, he needs to accept it fully.

When Chanyeol opens the door, he finds out that the room is dark and messy. There is also a weird smell coming from Baekhyun (since he hasn't taken a bath yet). His body is curled up like a fetus on the floor. Fortunately, he is still alive but barely breathing.


The body seemed to be surprised by the sudden call from Chanyeol. But it didn't make another move so the giant sits across him. The scene reminds him so much of himself; the days when he hated this world. When he thinks that everything is so unfair.

"I don't know if I'm the right person to talk to you, I am also aware that you know about the blue notebook so I'll talk about that first"

Chanyeol waited for a response. He'd rather have Baekhyun beat him up than this silent treatment. He shook his head.

"I wrote that after our first encounter at the bar. Though I was annoyed that you tied me up to my bed, I find you very interesting. It's not even the first time, you have been my seatmate for the longest time and I know you are adorable. I just don't want to be close to you since I know you're very much inlove with Taeyeon. I know it was wrong; to think of you as a distraction so I can move on from Kyungsoo. But I was raised to be like that, to not have emotions and attachments to people. I wasn't like you, the kind and ever sunshine who thinks that everyone has a good side. My world was focused on the bad side of humanity"

The room was dead quiet but Chanyeol doesn't mind. He can speak freely now thanks to Baekhyun. He is no longer afraid if his image would be different and he finally learns how to open up his feelings.

"But because of you, everything changed. I started to learn how to mingle with people, to the point that my actions are sincere. You turned everything upside down. 360 degrees turn. I wrote you as my toy when I started to like you, when I found out that you have a split personality. It was me trying to persuade myself that I will not be human like you. That I shouldn't have feelings for you because I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to enter my emotionless life and experience things you do not deserve. But eventually, I wasn't able to control myself. You are lovable, Baekhyun. You make me feel all these emotions I never had before. You feel like home, a place where I can be who I am, without the judgement of other people"

Chanyeol waits for a response, but it failed. He doesn't blame Baekhyun though. He never blamed the lost puppy.

"I don't know anything about split personality. But Taehyung was really your protector. Through the whole time I was with you, he did his best to push me away. He thinks I'll hurt you.. and maybe I did."

It hurts. Hearing these from Chanyeol, Baekhyun is crying underneath his weak state. Everything that Chanyeol is saying hurts him so bad he just wants to run away. His thoughts stops when he starts to feel that Chanyeol is standing up.

"Let's break up"

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