Chapter Eighteen

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"Are you nuts?! Why did you tell him?" Luhan frantically reacts after hearing what Taehyung did. Taehyun rolls his eyes, "come on Lu, as if I can't protect Baekhyun if that bastard Chanyeol does something to him" Luhan crosses his arms. "Still! What if that Chanyeol tells him the truth?"

Taehyung smirks, "he won't. He knows what will happen to Baekhyun." Luhan sighs and sits beside Taehyung. "Geez you're really hard headed, just like Baek" Taehyung laughs, "what do you expect? Anyways, that Chanyeol is weird. He seems to be very interested in Baekhyun" Luhan's eyes brightened up, "really?"

Kai couldn't believe what he's seeing in his front door, it's Park Chanyeol with some bottles of beer. "Um, what's up man? Since when did you decide to have a one on one session with me?" Chanyeol sighs and enters the house while Kai just watches him.

Chanyeol didn't answer until he reaches the living room, the same irritated and tired expression on his face. "Hello? Earth to Chanyeol?" Kai asks again. Chanyeol turns to him, "I just need a drink.." Kai laughs, "then go to a bar, what's up with you? I mean I'm a party goer slash drinker but you can just invite me outside you know"

Chanyeol shakes his head, "nah, my ears irritate with the loud music these days" Kai watches as Chanyeol opens a bottle, passes onto Kai and has his own. "Tell me what's up Chanyeol. You're getting weird" The taller sighs and looks at Kai in the eye, "you're one of Baekhyun's closest friend right?"

Taehyung looks at Luhan with confusion. "why? Don't tell me you want Baekhyun to be just like you?" Luhan frowns, "geez, is being gay a sickness now? And besides, I didn't want to it's just... I think they look good together"

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "Park Chanyeol is a heartless monster. He'll just hurt Baekhyun and if you don't want to see me anymore then you should protect him" Luhan sighs and nods, "I know.. That's why his mom asked me to come here, to take care of him because Baekhyun doesn't tell her anything" Taehyung looks at him, "just please Luhan, keep him away from Baek" before Luhan could respond, Taehyung closes his eyes.

Kai smirks, "uh-huh, why?" Chanyeol sighs, he knows it's dumb to actually know but he can't help but be curious and the curiosity is slowly killing him. "Did he... Suffer from any trauma?"

Kai's smirk suddenly fades away into concern. "Huh? What makes you say that?" Chanyeol sighs, of course Baekhyun knows that Kai is a blabbermouth, why would he tell his deepest darkest secret to him? Even Chanyeol wouldn't do that. Chanyeol sipped from his bottle, "nevermind"

Kai sighs, "you're getting weirder Chan. I have been close friends with Baek. But all I know is that he lives with his mom and sister." Chanyeol wanted to ask about the unknown male he saw earlier but he has a better question to ask.

"How about his dad?"

Kai sips from his bottle and continues, "he works abroad. Baek loves his family so much, he's a really good kid. Sometimes I don't understand why Taeyeon left him" Chanyeol nods, "you never knew why Taeyeon left him?"

Kai smiles, "I do. But I don't think that's the real reason. She just told me that she's sick of Baekhyun and that she found another person. Man, Baekhyun is so devastated with their break up I thought he's gonna ditch school. He loves her so much that he wants to marry her. Imagine that"

Chanyeol smirks, it's typical for a person who's inlove to think that way. But something's really bugging Chanyeol, something only Baekhyun can answer.

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