Chapter Four

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"Hey Chanyeol" the cute petite guy says as he looks at Chanyeol with love and hurt. Chanyeol lightly smirks, "hey Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo smiles, "dad is in his office, he's waiting for you" Chanyeol nods and enters the said room.

"Oh Hi Chanyeol. Your mom is busy again?" Mr. Do says as he searches something from his drawer. Chanyeol smiles and tries to show the older man some positive vibes although Chanyeol really doesn't have one.

Mr. Do smiles as he finally finds the folder. He hands it over to Chanyeol, "this are the contracts for our business partnership. Tell your mom to send it to me immediately after she signs it. And also, I was planning on having a resort, you have a business like that right?" Chanyeol nods, "we have in Busan"

Mr. Do nods, "great, we can buy a beach near yours" Chanyeol continues his act and just nods. Mr. Do smiles, "okay, thanks Chanyeol. By the way, Kyungsoo is there. Maybe you guys can hang out"

Chanyeol is on his way to the elevator when Kyungsoo stands in front of him. "You still have classes?"

Baekhyun is on his way home, good thing Kai is nowhere to be found to convince him to drink again or to remind him that Taeyeon will never be back. Baekhyun clearly knows that, but a part in his heart wishes that she'll change her mind. That maybe she would realize his worth, his love. He is about to ride the bus when he sees Taeyeon, with some unknown guy.

He pauses, she looks so happy, laughing as she and the guy hold hands. Baekhyun keeps thinking who the guy is, but he is so sure that he never saw him before. His body is shaking, he wishses that Kai is with him now. He never saw Taeyeon that happy before.

Has Taeyeon been that sad with him that she never smiled that much?

He could feel his heart break, his tears are forming again but he can't cry here. She can't see him this miserable. He looks down and gets his phone from his pocket, he starts dialing Kai's number but the user is busy, he tries calling his other friends but no one is available.

Chanyeol watches as Kyungsoo mixes his coffee, they decide to have a chat at the nearest coffee shop. "It's been a long time since we last saw it each other. Until when are you planning to ignore me?" Kyungsoo asks. Chanyeol sighs, "I was just busy.."

Kyungsoo nods, "you're always busy Chanyeol. You don't have time for me" Chanyeol frowns, "Kyungsoo..." Kyungsoo smirks, "what? It's been a year. You tell me I'm your bestfriend, wait, we were more than that right?"

Chanyeol sighs, yes, he loved Kyungsoo because Kyungsoo is not just a bestfriend. He was more, but he also knows that their relationship is going nowhere, so he shrugs the thought of them being together and just stick to their friendship.

Chanyeol is about to answer when his phone rings, it's from Baekhyun, which he finds weird because Baekhyun never calls him.

"Excuse me" Chanyeol says and answers the phone. "Hello? Baekhyun?" "Chanyeol.. Are you busy... I... I'm sorry to disturb you but.. I really need someone right now" He can hear Baekhyun's voice shaking, Chanyeol looks back to Kyungsoo who is obviously faking a smile. "Sure, be there in 15 minutes"

"Hey, I gotta go" Chanyeol stands up and is about to leave when Kyungsoo speaks. "You changed? Or is this Baekhyun an asset to your plans?" Chanyeol frowns, "whatever Kyungsoo" he then walks away.

Chanyeol is about to go out of his car when Baekhyun hops in. "Hey" Chanyeol says but he stops when he sees tears in Baekhyun's eyes.

"I know, I should man up or something, judge me all you want.."

Chanyeol can't speak a word, he didn't even think that he'll judge Baekhyun, he is just so shocked that the guy has these feelings for someone who doesn't love him back.

"It just... Hurts so much and I don't know who to call.." Baekhyun continues as his body trembles. Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun's tears continues to fall, his lips so sad and his body continues to shake. He shakes his head and starts the engine.

"Let's go to a bubble tea shop nearby" he says but Baekhyun just nods. "I.. I saw her with her new lover" he starts while Chanyeol just listens and drives.

Baekhyun stares by the window, "she looks so happy, like breaking up with me was the best decision she ever had" Chanyeol wants to comment, he wants to tell Baekhyun that feelings are just a waste of time and he's wasting his tears for someone who is not worth it but Chanyeol can't because he's a robot, he will never feel what Baekhyun feels.

The car stops by a well known bubble tea shop, Baekhyun takes a deep breath, wipes his tears and hops off the car. Chanyeol is surprised to see a transformation but he can still see the sadness in the latter's eyes.

Chanyeol doesn't say anything and they walk inside. Baekhyun tries showing his perfect smile, busy choosing a drink while Chanyeol just observes him.

"So, Park Chanyeol is not busy today?" Baekhyun asks as he sips his strawberry milktea. Chanyeol smirks, "yeah.." Baekhyun looks at him in disbelief, "you're not gonna tell me anything, okay."

Chanyeol sighs and turns to his drink, "I was with my bestfriend but I dunno. It's a complicated thing" Baekhyun raises an eyebrow, "why? Tell me"

Chanyeol chuckles, "I thought you called because you needed me, don't turn this around Baekhyun" Baekhyun stops, he feels his heart pound with the way Chanyeol calls his name. He slowly holds his heart, "what was that.." He thought.

Chanyeol notices the latter's quietness, which is super weird. Baekhyun fakes a smile, "this must be my sadness for Taeyeon.. Yeah" he mumbles and drinks. Chanyeol then feels his phone vibrate, "uh excuse me" he then leaves. Chanyeol sighs when he saw that it's his mom.

Baekhyun frowns, "or it must be the coffee.." He says, he can't forget the pang in his chest, he never felt that with anyone except Taeyeon. He then  pauses, "I mean Chanyeol and I are friends but this is the first time I really called him... And bonding with him with just the two of us..."

Chanyeol tries to put up with his fake aura when he stops when he realizes that Baekhyun is gone.

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