Ch•16- He saved us All

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     "Doctor Selvig?" I asked cautiously as I stepped out on to the roof of the Tower. A middle aged man was alone with a abstract looking piece of tech that was commanding the portal. The Tesseract was at the center of it. Selvig was on that ground as if he had been knocked down, cuts and blood were present on his temple.

     He was laying at the side of the roof, looking over the damaged city "sir, my name is Jessi Stark, I want to help you. We need to shut this thing down"

     "Loki's scepter" he shook his head "the energy...the Tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself" he looked guilty, whatever mind control he was under before was now over.

    "Hey, look" I bent down beside him, giving him a soft reassuring smile "it's not your fault. Loki and his mind control games made you do it. It's not like you knew what you were doing or anything"

"Well, actually I think I did." He blinked, looking me in the eye.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

     "I built in a safety to cut the power source" he explained. A safety to cut the power? What could possibly shut down something like that? It's the Tesseract, it's pure energy. The only thing that could possibly break it is...

"Loki's scepter?" I said but it was more of a question. I wasn't all too sure.

     "It might be able to close the portal" He continued. That must have been the right answer. I feel like I just saw the scepter. Where could it be right now? If it's somewhere else, how are we suppose to get it? Does Loki have it? Because if he does, we're never getting it back. Selvig looked down to the terrace below and said "And I'm looking right at it"

    I slid to the spot next to him and peered down the building. There is was, just waiting for me, how convenient. I almost jumped for joy. This whole battle could be over in a matter of minutes and no more people would have to die "Be right back" I stood up from my crouched position and ran back to the stairwell door at the roof.

      As I ran, a thought came to mind. All of this, the aliens, the portal, what lies beyond the portal, these nine realms that Thor goes on about, it's all so big. It's bigger than earth, bigger than our galaxy. Last year, if you asked me a question about if we're alone in the universe, I would have said 'heck yeah'.

     But now, with Thor and Loki, aliens, and this Tesseract. I don't know what to believe in anymore. If there's one alien army out there, then there's bound to be more. This is bigger than all of us, I don't know how we're going to beat them. The spear is a start.

     Shutting down the portal would fix most, if not all our problems. I reached the living room and sprinted to the spear. A random alien was standing on the terrace, about to pick it up "NO!" I shouted, tackling the alien with all my might. It didn't expect me to fly out from nowhere, that's why if fell to the ground.

    "Not now'!" I picked up the spear and swung the sharp part at him. It sliced his chest "Not here!" I yelled angrily, smacking him in the side of the head with it "Not EVER!" I shoved the spear into him and he flipped off the tower, and fell.

    Whoa. I stared down at the spear in my hands. I had never felt a rush of adrenaline like that before, it was almost scary. He didn't even stand a chance. My chest rose and fall heavily, tears pricked my eyes. All I want to do is go back home to Malibu and pretend this whole thing never happened. Then I remember what I needed to do.

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