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"I want some coffee."

"I think me and Jess will stay here, you can go." Louis said as Jade stood up.

"K be back in a few." Jade said, slipping on shoes and her sunglasses, running to her car because there were paparazzi everywhere, even if she couldn't see them.

She got in her car and opened Twitter on her phone, "Mid-day coffee run? I think yes!"

Jade gets out of the car and sees the place is near empty and then, she is crowded by paparazzi and fans.

"Jade, I love you!"

"Jade, were you really flirting with that fan?" at that comment Jade scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"Jade, Sam's engaged, how do you feel about that?" And then her world freezes.

Did I just hear him correctly? Sam's engaged? To Kimberly? He really never cared. He never cared about me.

Jade has tears in her eyes, and she's pushing through the doors and the employees look at her worried, because Jade Thirlwall doesn't burst through doors with a frown. No, no she doesn't. "I need a expresso," Jade says, sitting down and the employees are looking at her and she looks up, a fire in her eyes no one's ever seen, " Now you incompatant fools!" She hisses and the all clumsily file into the kitchen, she can hear the noisey clutter of dishes.

"H-here you go, ma'am." A boy with curly brown hair and green eyes says and Jade just growls, chugging the expresso, grimacing, "Ew."


"Josh, I got this." She hears a voice say. There's a slam of dishes on the table and Jade looks up, pumpkin pie (with whip cream), Hot chocolate sprinkled with chocolate peices, an ice cream cone, and a bowl of biscuits, and then a petite blonde sat in front of her.

"Well," Perrie said, "Aren't you going to eat? Expresso's are sour and have an after taste from hell." Perrie says, pushing the pumpkin pie towards her, Jade sighs, stabbing the pumpkin pie with her fork, giving Perrie an annoyed look. The blonde smiled, a forming blush on her face.

"I don't know if you remember but I said coffee run not Thanksgiving fricking dinner." Perrie shakes her head, getting up from the table leaving, going back to work.

Jade sighs, and locking eyes with Perrie, giving her a jokingly annoyed smile when she sticks a peice of pumpkin pie in her mouth, but then she pulled a different face like it was orgasmic, and Perrie laughs really loud and she gets a couple of wierd looks from her co-workers and coughs, blushing madly, giving Jade a joking glare and turning sassily back to work.


It's been two weeks and Jade's gone to the coffee shop for breakfast,lunch, and dinner. But lately, work has been demanding, she's barely gotten sleep and her manager, Zayn, has notied that Jade grabs every free moment as a chance to get coffee.

"Jade, take a break," He said, and Jade shot up.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee by-."

"By your flat, I know, listen, sit down." He says, sitting behind his desk in the recording booth and she sits with him. "You've been coffee to much," he said, pulling a paper towards her, with statics, percents, recommendations, and a doctors order. "The past two weeks, you've had twenty-five breaks," He said, pointing at a chart, "and you've gone to get coffee from the one by your house." He said, pulling another chart out, "You've gone for breakfast and dinner as well. Jade," He says," You've consumed sixty-three percent of what it takes a person to drink in a month!" Zayn said, turning to her, "You're on coffee restriction, if any one sees you coffee, they will report it to me and that's another day with out coffee, understood?" Zayn said.

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