Twenty Eight

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Tbh this will probably be a shitty chapter bc cracked screen and no motivation :))

Waking up on the couch, tangled into Jade is the best way to wake up, Perrie decides. When she sits up and misses Jade's body warmth. But she gets up, her feet padding against the gray marble flooring of the house. She walked into the couch to hear Camila talking into her phone.

"No, mom, it's not like that! Listen to me- mom! No! I love her and there really is nothing you can do about it!" Camila strained, obviously trying not to yell. "You know what, we'll talk when I come back." Camila snaps, glaring at the phone even after she's hung up-- she looks about 3 seconds away from throwing it at the wall.

"Um, you alright?" Perrie whispers, startling the younger girl.

"Y-Yeah, all's good." Camila nods. After a few moments of silence, she speaks up again. "So um, what's it like?" She asks, looking into her bowl of cereal, not meeting Perrie's piercing eyes.

"What's what like?" Perrie replies, pouring herself coffee.

"Dating a superstar like Jade?"

Perrie shrugs, "It's not that different from dating a regular person, except you see them more on magazines than in front of your face, and there are tons of more rumors than the typical high school drama, I remember last week this girl came up to me and got up in my face and she was deathly serious when she said this, she goes "Perrie, does Jade have a drug problem?" I couldn't stop laughing, Camila." Perrie laughs fondly at the crazy memory, taking a sip of her coffee, it was her turn to ask the questions.

"So how does it feel being out of the closet, I'm sure your Vitamin D levels are increasing tremendously." She teases, seeing Camila go bright red. The younger girl shrugs, moving her hair out of her face, and shrugs again.

"It's different. My parents don't hate me as much as I thought they would. Lauren is prouder than what I thought she would be, my 'ex-boyfriend' doesn't even hate me. I dunno, it's......Definitely weird." Camila concludes, shoveling Cheerios into her mouth.

"Yeah, when I came out there was a literal family feud, my dad and brother were on my side. My mom and sister not, I dunno it was crazy." Perrie says, taking another sip of her coffee, "What's it like dating a pop star's sister?" Camila shrugged.

"It's hard to explain. It's lovely, but I don't care that she's Jade's Thirlwall's sister! I care that she's Lauren Jauregui, best girlfriend I've ever had."

"You've had girlfriends before?"

"One or two. No one important, but --"

"Good morning, loves." Jade smiles, walking her way over to Perrie and leaning down to press a kiss to her girlfriend's cheek.

"Hey." Perrie smiled, pulling Jade on to her lap and kissing her shoulder. "How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully, although, I was a little cold." Jade pouts at the end, earning another kiss.

"Sorry love, I needed some coffee. Me and Camila were just having a little talk."

"oh, was it a private conversation, do I need to --"

"No no, I actually have to go get Lauren up. We're going to go to a waterpark so..." Camila says and the older girls nod. Camila dismisses herself and goes to get her girlfriend and get ready for their day together.


"What are we doing today?" Jade asks, walking two fingers up Perrie's thigh. "The little ones are out, Moms at work along with Michael and Karl and Shireen have gone. We have the whole place to ourselves, a whole day."

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