Twenty One

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Smut, you're welcome ;)


Falling back on the bed, both girls giggled into each other's mouths. "Did you see that woman who was wearing that black and white polka dot shirt? She wasn't wearing a bra you could see EVERYTHING." Jade said, gripping the back of Perrie's neck to pull her into a kiss. Their tongues rutting and their hips rolling against each other in a way that had their breaths go shallow and their eyes flutter shut. Jade situated herself better on Perrie's waist, her thigh dividing Perrie's legs.

It was hard enough not to touch her during the movie, with Perrie's fingers running up and down her thigh, her hand sneaking its way up the lavender skirt she was wearing, Jade was surprised she had enough will power to resist Perrie until they made it home. Rutting down she moaned, a hot puff of air let out on to Perrie's skin, goosebumps forming in its wake.

"Yeah, major wardrobe malfunction." Perrie muttered, not paying attention to whatever Jade replied with. Her hands slipping under the fabric of her girlfriend's white shirt, her nails scraping against the toned tan flesh of Jade's stomach. The sound of Jade groaning in her ear spurred her on to raise her hands higher up her girlfriends body. Her fingers dipping under the fabric of Jade's bra, her fingers assessing the soft flesh of Jade's breast.

"This needs to go." She whispered, ripping the shirt off of Jade's body. Her lips immediately latching on to Jade's collarbone. Jade groaned, her fingers threading through Perrie's hair to keep her where she was. The moon lit up the room around them through Jade's bedroom window, illuminating Perrie's eyes and laying lovely strips of white light on to Jade's tan skin.

All that could be heard through the almost empty house was Jade groaning Perrie's name. Jade pulled Perrie away from her collarbone, pressing their lips together harshly, their teeth clacking together that had both girls whine into each other's mouth, a lovely little sound that had goosebumps rising on Jade's body. "I love you." Jade breathed out, reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra. Perrie's breath hitched at the sight of Jade, just like it always did.

Over the two days, Jade had learned a lot about Perrie when it came to intimate moments. Like, Perrie wasn't one for teasing, Jade could only go so far until the younger girl became frustrated, threatening to take care of the situation herself. And that despite Perrie's forwardness, the girl wasn't one for stamina. She knew everything about Perrie now. Where to kiss her, where to leave a bite, just how much force of tugging in her hair it took for her to groan, the feeling of her ivory skinned running under her hands. She loved it. She loved Perrie even more.

"Love you too..." Perrie replied almost incoherently when she pulled Jade in to kiss her, her hands groping at Jade's breast. Jade moaned, her hips rutting down against Perrie's thigh, her thigh itself coming in contact with Perrie's crotch. Kissing down her chest, Perrie's lips encircled Jades nipple, her tongue swirling and sucking on the rosy bud. Jade groaned, her fingers threading through Perrie's blonde locks. Perrie's hand slid up Jade's side, taking care of the other neglected breast. At this point the heat pooling between her legs had turned into a throbbing ache.

"Perrie..." Jade whined, grinding against Perrie more desperately than before. Attempting to get the friction she was craving for. Jade moaned when Perrie began to litter her chest with hickeys, her tongue leaving a hot line as it trailed up her neck, tugging on her earlobe.

"What?" Perrie said, the husky tone in her voice causing Jade to involuntarily grind herself on Perrie's thigh again.

"Stop teasing!" She begged, panting, bringing Perrie back to her lips. Jade couldn't wait any longer, ridding herself of the last of her clothing, helping Perrie hurriedly throw her clothes on to the floor.

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