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in my opinion this chapter sucks and its probably short so sozz

Jade awoke to seeing Perrie in her bathroom, warm beads of water dotting her pale skin. "Morning." Jade smiles and Perrie grins back.

"Morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" Perrie asks.

Jade smiles, turning on the faucet so she can brush her teeth, "I slept wonderfully." Jade smiles, before beginning to brush her teeth.

"I'm off to school. I'll see you after." Perrie murmurs after getting dressed and Jade spits put the toothpaste in her mouth.

"Pez, wait!" Jade yelps and Perrie stops at the door and Jade grabs the abstinence ring.

"It's yours now." Jade says handing it to her and Perrie looks at the ring.

"Your fingers are smaller than mine." Perrie tsks and Jade nods, grabbing a necklace with minnie mouse silouhette on it, she slides the ring onto the necklace chain and hands it to Perrie. "Thanks." Perrie smiles, kissing Jade's cheek and leaving.

Jade bites her lip and walks into the restroom shower turning on the hot water.


Perrie walks into the cafe and stomps until she's behind the counter. When she spots Leigh Anne, she immediately walks into the break room and slams Jade's necklace and abstinence ring on the table. "There! It's done! Now leave me and my girlfriend alone. You've gotten your five hundred dollars. Now get out of my life." Perrie states before walking out and heading to school.

She walks through the door and of course Katherine attaches herself right to Perrie's hip. All of this was pathetic, Perrie's patience was wearing thin and the more attention she got from these girls that she used to toy around with was making her sick. "Hey, Babe." Katherine purred and Perrie scoffed pushing the blonde girl away from her.

"Listen, I don't like what you did the other day and I'd appreciate if you stayed out of mine and my girlfriends life."

Perrie walks to her next class and sits down at her little table with fabrics and accesories and sketch books and sighs. "What was I thinking." Perrie says, regretting putting a price on Jade's virginity.


Jade stepped out of the shower and gets dressed. She walks out of the house and sees Jesy about to walk up to her door. "Hey!" Jade smiles and Jesy grins, and then she frowns. "Somethings different about you." Jesy says as she circles around her best friend. Maybe it's the loss of my virginity? Jade thinks but says nothing.

She shrugs and then hears Jesy yell, "Holy crap! You lost your virginity! You dirty dog!"

Jade widens her eyes and tells Jesy to shut the hell up before they leave to the mall. When they get there paparazzi are everywhere.

"Jade, where's Perrie?"

"Has your ring gone missing recently?"

"So you're a dyke now, huh?"

"Have you heard that Ashton Irwin wants to collaborate with you?"

Jade walks into the store with Jesy and sits down and Jesy automatically grabs every piece of revealing, pretty, and fashionable clothing she can hold in two hands. Jade texts and tweets and just chills while her best friend practically bought the whole mall.

"Jesy, I have an interview! Hurry the fu-frick up!" Jade yells.

Jesy buys a few more thousand dollars worth of clothes and then agrees to take Jade to her interview. Jade rushes in, with soeedy haur and make up she doesn't have time to even throw her phone at Jesy so it stays in her lap as they talk.

"So, Jade, how are you and Perrie?" The interveiwer, Stacey asks and Jade smiles.

"We're great! Really, I don't think I've been happier to be honest, she's just really great." Jade smiles and the crowd awe's, Jade blushes, fiddling with her fingers.

"So, have you said the I love you's?"

Jade trys to suppress the grin on her face, "Yeah, we did." She says softly and Stacey squeals clappinv her hands together and the audience laugh.

"Sorry," Stacey said composing herself. "It's just really cute."

Jade giggled and suddenly a loud phone ring silenced them all. Jade's eyes widened and she looked down at her lap. "I am so sorry." Jade says and she is about to reject the call when Stacey stops her, "Who is it?" She asks and Jade shrugs looking at the ID seeing Perrie's picture.

"It's my girlfriend. Wow, speaking of the devil." Jade giggled.

"Answer it!" Stacey yelled causing Jade to jump and look at her with wide eyes.

"Okay, gosh." She giggled and answered the phone putting it on speaker.

"Hey, babe." Perrie spoke, yawning.

"Hi, love. Not to be rude but why are you calling?" Jade asked and bit her lip.

"Oh crap, you're at work, sorry I totally forgot. Should I go?" Perrie asked and Jade looked up at Stacey who shook her head.

"Nah, I have a few minutes to spare, how's your day going?" Jade asks and Perrie laughs.

"Saying it was boring is an understatment but, its pretty great now." Perrie says and Jade blushes.

"Alright, well I gotta go." Jade said, "Love you."

"Alright, I have class, love you too. See you at dinner."

Jade hangs up and the crowd squeals and awes. Jade giggles, blushing. "So... yeah. That was Perrie." Jade says.

"One last question before you go, will Perrie be goig on the Anyone tour with you?" Stacey asked and Jade laughs.

"For the first leg of the tour, which is here, no. Once we go to the states yes. She has school so I don't want to interfere with her studies." Jade says calmly and Stacey nods.

"Must be nice to have such a considerate girlfriend like yourself." Stacey smiles and Jade shrugs, "I don't know if I could date myself I would but.." Jade shrugs and everybody laughs.

"Jade Thirlwall everyone!" Stacey says and Jade waves before walking backstage.

"OMG Perrie I love you soooooo much! Don't do drugs stay in school! Jerrie!" Jesy says in a high pitched voice mocking Jade.

"Shut up!" Jade groans hiding her face in her hands. Jesy laughs, nessing up Jade's hair.

"Poor girl, you're a love struck puppy."

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