Thirty seven

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It's midnight. Perrie has been staring at the dark night sky for what felt like years now, the stars shone brightly, but not as bright as the rock on her ring finger. She looked back at the woman sleeping her bed, the woman she had hours prior promised to devote the rest of her life to.

A lot had happened in the past 15 hours.
Hour one.
Perrie had arrived back at the tour bus, that was ready to take off soon for Sacramento. Lauren had decided to fly over once she and had Camila had talked things through. She had grabbed some food from a near by Mom-and-Pop restaurant and was very pleased with the contents within the bag. It was a typical southern deep-fry meal that she knew her tiny girlfriend would enjoy. Jade, Leigh-Anne and Jesy were all in the lounger of the bus watching Ella Enchanted and discussing the plot.

"This is basically Cinderella right?" Jesy asks and the other two girls nod.

"Yeah but like, Walmart version." Leigh Anne snickered.

Jade had checked her phone to see that Perrie hadn't texted her that she was heading back from the restaurant so she paused the movie. Despite Jesy and Leigh Anne's protest.

"I wanna propose to Perrie." She said, getting straight the the point getting. Both girls beside her gasped in shock.

"Are you serious?" Jesy asked, "Like super serious?"

Jade laughed, running a hand through her hair, "Yeah. It's been almost a year now, and I- I love her, so much it scares me sometimes. I look at her and see the rest of my life. I'm not sure about the future but I'm so fucking sure about her being there beside me." Jade stated, "What, um, what do you think?" She asked both of them nervously. Leigh Anne grinned widely and nodded.

"Do it," she urged, "As soon as you possibly can. She loves you, Jade, I see it everyday through all the little things she does for you. She'd chop off her own arm if it meant you'd be happy. Nothing would make her happier than being your wife, for sure."

"What, Leigh said." Jesy said quietly, nodding. Jade felt elated, knowing that her friends were excited and supportive of her decision and then she grinned at them.

"We won't talk about how you two are highkey holding hands right now because I have a proposal to plan okay?"


Petrie was walking up to the lounge door when she heard it.

"I wanna propose to Perrie." It made her heart stop. She almost dropped the bags of food as she heard the conversation go on.

"I'm so fucking sure about her." Jade said and as much as her heart fluttered at the statement, it had added even more anxiety to her already worried frame. "I have a proposal to plan." Jade tutted.


Hour four.

"Want to stop baby, I wanna stretch." Jade asked Perrie, as she stood up. Perrie nodded absently. Her mind still running over the conversation she had overheard. She wished she hadn't heard it, maybe then she wouldn't be scrutinizing her relationship with the older Geordie. It seemed she was going over every moment they'd had together, deciding if the way it was handled was a premonition of the rest of their lives.

The bus had pulled over by a gas station and Jade had hopped off to stretch and buy a few snacks, Perrie took the moment as an opportunity to call her father.

"Hello darlin' how's the states?"

"Great, dad. But I have a problem. I think Jade wants to propose to me."

"How's that a problem?" Alexander laughed, "How do you know?"

"Well I heard her say so to Jess and Leigh."

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