Thirty One

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"Perrie, hey baby, wake up..." Jade whispered, poking Perrie's cheek. The blonde girl groaned, shaking her head and pulling the blanket over her head, "Babe..." Jade huffed, shaking Perrie almost violently, "C'mon I'm taking you out for breakfast." Jade cooed and immediately, the blonde girl rises out of bed.

"Where we goin'?"

Jade laughed silently, shaking her head and leaned in to kiss Perrie softly. "Dunno, figured we would wing it."

"Oh... IHOP?"

"What ever you want baby. But I've got a meeting with Ashton Irwin, at like 3, which was supposed to be in 2 weeks but he probably has Zayn wrapped around his finger." Perrie pouts, but nods anyway.

"Holy fucking shit this is delicious!" Perrie moans and Jade laughs.

"Slow down, it's not a competition." Jade teases and Perrie flushes red. "Oh baby, you've got a little..." Jade licks her thumb and then wipes off the syrup from Perrie's cheek, "all better." Jade says, staring into Perrie's eyes for what felt like eternity.

"Can I kiss you? Here?" Perrie whispers and Jade smiles softly.

"Of course, they all know anyways." Jade replied, pulling Perrie in by the back of her neck getting an instant response of Perrie kissing back. Jade let out a satisfied hum, her tongue gliding into Perrie's mouth, fingers twisting in her blonde hair.

"Ahem..." The waitress clears her throat, seeming a little uncomfortable, "sorry to interrupt but, would you like me to take your plate Ms Thirlwall?"

"Um, sure, thank you... Jane." Jade smiles, piling everything neatly onto her plate before handing it to the younger girl. "Oh, here..." Jade says, pulling out her wallet and handing her a $50 tip. The girl looks at her in slight shock. Jade just smiles and grabs Perrie's hand and guided her to the exit.

"Where to now?" Perrie asks and Jade checks the time, smiling as she backs out of the parking lot.

"We could go to the zoo... Or maybe bowling?"

"Can we do both?!" Perrie asks excitedly and Jade laughs, grabbing Perrie's hand and kissing her knuckles.

"We can do whatever you want, Love."

"You cheated!" Jade whines like a child, glaring at Perrie as she watches the bowling ball roll into the gutter.

"I did no such thing? What makes you say that, Miss Thirlwall?" Perrie asks almost shocked, wrapping her arms around Jade's waist and pressing a quick kiss to Jade's head.

"Yes you did! You kept distracting me with your kisses!" Jade whines and Perrie smirks playfully.

"You didn't seem to mind..." She replies, pressing chaste kisses on Jade's neck, feeling Jade tilt her head to the side so she had more access to the skin on Jade's neck. "See?" Perrie laughs, kissing Jade's cheek.

"Now sit down and watch me kick your ass at bowling." Perrie says, picking up the bowling ball and rolling a strike.

"That's not fair!" Jad groans and Perrie laughs, dusting off her shoulders.

"All in a day's work." Perrie winks, checking the time. "Oh shit! Jade you're gonna be late, c'mon!" Perrie sighs, grabbing Jade and her things before walking to the front and returning the shoes.

"I don't wanna go see the fuckboy!" Jade groans and Perrie giggles, pulling Jade close and kissing her forehead as they walk. "He's so.... shady. I can't explain it but something about that boy makes me iffy." Jade sighs cuddling further into Perrie as they walked through the parking lot.

"It'll be fine, baby. Besides, I could always fuck him up if he tries anything." Perrie says, a wide, proud smile on her face and Jade laughs.

"Please, you couldn't hurt a fly."

"Hey! I've had my fair share of fights!"

"Sure, babe, whatever you say!" Jade laughs, walking ahead of Perrie.

"You're fucking rude." Perrie says, gripping Jade's waist and pressing her again the car door, "Don't be an asshole." Perrie giggles softly, bumping her nose against Jade's, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Hey!" Jade says, cupping Perrie's face and giving her a real kiss. Perrie just laughs.

"Always wanting more Miss Thirlwall, spoilt." Perrie says before kissing her girlfriend again. When they pull away, out of breath and smiling, Perrie kisses Jade's nose, muttering a small yet meaningful "I love you."

"I love you too..." Jade murmurs, wrapping her arms around Perrie to give her a hug. "So, so much."

"C'mon, you've got a meeting."

"Ugh don't remind me." Jade scoffed and Perrie rolled her eyes.


"Of course I have a frickin' meeting, Elizabeth, or else I wouldn't be here!" The boy groans, running his hand through his hair.

"Oh, yes! Here, Ashton Irwin?

"Yes! That's me!" He grumbles, glaring at her. This woman is beyond stupid!

"Okay sir, just go through those doors and it's the second conference room on you left."

"Thanks." He spits sarcastically. Walking down the hall he opens the door and sees it to be occupied by his lawyer, manager and another man, presumably Zayn Malik.

"Zayn! Nice to meet ya finally, mate." He smiles, reaching out to shake Zayn's hand, the older lad shakes his hand skeptically, perhaps Ashton doesn't look professional enough, oh well.

"So, where's Jade?" He asks, attempts to hide the eagerness in his voice as he says her name, but fails. Zayn almost glares at him.

"On her way." Is all he says. Fine, he'll wait it out.

About fifteen minutes later the doorknob turns and there are giggles on the other end and Ashton could pin that laugh anywhere, Jade was here! But she wasn't alone, Jade turned to the blonde girl and gave her an exaggerated kiss, then pecked her cheek.

"I'll see you later, love you."
"Love you too." They whisper, but Ashton's close by, he hears them. And then the blonde girl is gone and Ashton puts on a winning smile and stands up, holding out his hand.

"Hello, Jade."



-Valerie 😘

Ps: hella unedited B)

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