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Jesus Christ, stop calling me! Perrie declined the number once more with the flashing words of Leigh <3

It'd been an additional eight days since her and Jade's date and the older Geordie just spoils her. Since the date there's been about six bouquets of flowers, four boxes of chocolates, and a good morning message. Every morning. Perrie can't really complain, it's more than anyone's ever done for her. She doesn't file it under clingy she just thinks its cute, warms her heart really.

She's laying in her room, staring up at the ceiling with a small smile on her face from last night with Jade.

The house was seemingly quiet. The only sound was their breathing, Perrie rested her head on Jade's shoulder, "So," Perrie mumbled, her fingers dancing along the tan smooth skin on Jade stomach, tracing shapes and fingers with the tip of her fingernails. "What are we now?" She whispers.

Jade sighs, "What ever you want us to be." She answers and Perrie slowly finds Jade's hand and plays with her fingers sitting up on the bed, her back resting against the head board, Jade copies her actions and smiles smally at the way her hand looks just right for Perrie's.

"What if... what if I want us to be... more than friends?" Perrie asks and looks up at Jade, a small smile on her face. Jade mimics her grin with a wide and bright smile.

"I wouldn't mind." Jade smiles, resting her hand on Perrie's cheek, pulling the girl in for a sweet and quick kiss. "I like you Perrie, a lot. I really wouldn't mind being able to call you my girlfriend." Jade whispers and Perrie smiles. Pressing another kiss to Jade's sweet, soft and plump lips, they both eventually fall asleep.

Jade woke up with a slight throbbing in her head, shaking it off, she got up and checked her messages, one from Zayn saying she had an early interview at eight o'clock


"So, Jade how've you been?" Robert, the interviewer asks.

Jade smiles, "I've been great! I had a marvelous weekend, even went for a date! It feels great to have some time off."

"That's great—but you mentioned a date, yeah? With whom?!" He asks and Jade shakes her head.

"Ah ah ah! Not saying!" Jade smirks and the audience awes.

"Awe, come on, not even a clue!?"

Jade sighs, "Fine, one clue and that's it." Jade says and the crowd cheers.

"This person is..... Really, really pretty." Jade says and the crowd groans.

"Gee, you sure make it obvious." Robert says, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jade laughs and shrugs, 'What can I say?" The audience laughs and soon the interview is over. Jade walks into her house seeing Perrie sleeping on the couch. "I know you're awake, Edwards." Jade says, walking to the fridge pulling out a go gurt.

Perrie smiles and gets up; wrapping her arms around Jade waist after the brunette sits down on the kitchen counter. "So," Perrie says, pressing a kiss to Jade's lips. "You think I'm really, really pretty?" Perrie laughs and Jade blushes.

"Yeah." Jade nods and Perrie kisses her again.

"Good. Because I think you're really really pretty too. Gorgeous even."

Jade blushes at the words, smiling like a fool. "Thank you." Jade mumbles, but it's suppressed when Perrie presses her lips to Jade again.

lWhat d'you wanna do now?" Perrie asks and Jade shrugs, "How about some ice cream?" Jade asks and Perrie scrunches up her nose

"Really? In this weather?" She asks.

Jade pouts, "Please."

"Fine," Perrie mumbles, "Only cos you're cute." Jade smiles, pressing a kiss to Perrie's cheek and squealing.

"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" She chants all the way to the car and Perrie laughs. "Don't judge me." jade breathes out and she turns to see Perrie smiling fondly at her.

"I won't." She says, grabbing the hand Jade's rested on the center console.


"I can't believe I let you talk me into getting ice cream!" jade shivers, strawberry ice cream frosting her top lip.

"Me?!" Perrie asks and laughs.

"Yes you! I'M freezing!" jade whines and Perrie smiles, wrapping an arm over jades shoulders and kisses her forehead.

"Come on you Big baby, we're almost to the car."

Jade sighs and grabs Perrie's hand after they separate. "When should we talk about it?" Jaws asks and Perrie furrows her eyebrows.

"Huh?" Perrie says confused.

"Y'know the fact that the public doesn't know who I went on a date with and that we're dating -- if it's Okay with you; I was wondering when I could tell them?"

"Oh," Perrie chuckles, "When ever you're ready, I don't know how many people I've told. But what ever floats your boat darling." Perrie smiles and Jade tiptoes to kiss Perrie's cheek.


Jade rests her head on Perrie's lap, sighing. Perrie's playing with her hair mindlessly staring down at Jade. God she's the cutest thing ever... I can't believe I made that stupid bet with Catherine and Leigh-Anne. But I've rejected them, so maybe it doesn't count anymore? I mean I could always-- Wow, her hair is really pretty. And her eyes. And her laugh. And her voice. I wonder what she looks like naked? Probably nice.... Yeah.

Oh my God I'm such a perv, Jesus.

Jade turned so she was laying on her back on the couch, giggling at Perrie's facial reactions to the conversation in her head.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you that it's rude to laugh at others?" Perrie smirks, leaning down to get up in Jade's face.

"She said the only exception was a blonde girl named Perrie. "

"Well, That's specific... Damn."

Jade giggles again and then stops looking at Perrie expectantly. "So, like, are you going to kiss me anytime soon?"

"Jesus, Thirlwall, you're so demanding." Perrie says in mock irritation before leaning down and kissing Jade's scrunched up nose.

"You're adorable you know that?" the words slip out of Perrie's mouth before she can stop them.

"Course I do! I'm Jade Thirlwall!" Jade says in an obvious knee causing Perrie to laugh.


Go check out my new story 😏

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