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i just wanna say its one am so this shit is unedited pls sacrifice me to satan if there are errors pls im begging u :)))))

Jade sat up in her bed, wrapping the duvet around her body as she smiled down at Perrie. She leant down and kissed Perrie's cheek, lingering her lips on Perrie soft skin.

"You wouldn't be in this situation if you had just fucked her and left."

Jade cringed at the voice in her head and shied away from Perrie. She sighed, getting out of the hotel bed and walking to the restroom to brush her teeth. She took a quick shower and walked back to bed, sitting next to a sleeping Perrie, fiddling with her fingers. Was all of this even real? Or is she getting more money for staying with me?

Jade bit down harshly on her bottom lip, gazing down at Perrie. Her eyes lashes resting against her beautifully defined cheek bones, her mouth agape soft little snores leaving her mouth. She couldn't help but feel so idiotic, actually believing that Perrie truly loved her, yeah right. Jade felt nauseous as Perrie reached out for her, laying her head on her lap. She sighed, running her hands through Perrie's soft hair, playing with it.

Perrie began to stir awake and smiled at Jade still sleepy. "Morning." Perrie rasped, kissing Jade's cheek and getting up to freshen up. When she sat down next to Jade again, lacing her fingers with the brunettes. Perrie studied her girlfriend for a minute, "Is something wrong, babe?" Perrie whispered and Jade sucked in a sharp breath.

"I'm fine." Jade replied stiffly.

Perrie scoffed, pulling Jade onto her lap. "You suck at lying. Are you okay? Did... did I do something? Tell me I'll fix it." Perrie said, her voice dripping with concern, is that fake too? Does she even care about me?

"I over heard something yesterday," Jade hinted, Perrie exhaled sharply, Fuck.

"Don't hate me." Perrie started, holding Jade's hand firmly. "That bet meant nothing to me, they just wouldn't stop bugging me and wouldn't take no for answer but I need you to know and trust that everything that happened that night was real. Nothing - and I mean nothing could ever changed the way I feel about you, everything from the day I met you was real. Except for when I told you it was my birthday when I met you, but you obviously know that." Perrie said, giggling softly at the end.

Jade bit her lip, nodding slowly, Alright was the only word to come out of her mouth for a while. "I trust you, Perrie. If you say thats what happened then okay, I believe you."

(how anticlimactic ha)

Jade smiled, kissing Perrie's forehead, "Come on, free food in the lobby." Jade exclaimed and Perrie laughed.

"Praise Jesus!" (Same.)

The walk to the elevator and see Jesy with Caitlin who firing questions at her left and right.

"So is it fun being a model?"

"Are those implants?"

"Do you ever feel insecure?"

"What's it like being Jade's best friend?"

"Are yo-."

"Caitlin!" Perrie yells to get the young girl to shut up. Caitlin blushes, looking at the ground. "Sorry." She murmurs and Perrie smiles, ruffling her sisters hair and shrugging, "Just calm down, you're probably scaring poor Jess here." Perrie replied.

"Oh and by the way, those," Jade said pointing towards Jesy's chest, "are one hundred percent real."

They all laughed as they entered the elevator, "Caitlin, how old are you?" Jade asked randomly on the way down.

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