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ive been reading so many novels lately ive been having the urge to write in first person so blame The Naturals if it sucks ok (and u should read that its da (( and its a legit hardcover book ok go to a real library not the one on ur wattpad account lmao losers)) (((im kidding ily all))) ((((wow long note ok story time bye))))

Two weeks later


I knocked on Jade's door, just to say goodbye before she left for London. Jade opened the door and I was surprised to see a camera man behind her as she smiled at me. "Don't the paparazzi usually stalk you outside your house?" I asked walking in, kissing her cheek in the process.

Jade grinned softly, "Yes, but he's not a paparazzi, he's filming." Jade says, guiding to me to the kitchen- well its more like I just followed her.

My eyebrows knitted together, "For what, aren't you singer- not an actress?" I inquired, wrapping my arms around Jade's waist as she poured us some coffee. Jade turned around, handing me a cup of coffee.

"That is also true," Jade says nodding her head. "But, Zayn, thought is would be cool if they filmed the Anyone Tour considering its my second tour, my biggest one. So starting today they'll be with me everywhere." Jade smiles, sipping her coffee. I nodded, taking a look around when I noticed something missing.

"You're leaving today, where are your bags?" I asked, glancing at Jade. Jade thought for a second as she didn't remembered, she made a few facial expression like she was having a conversation with herself and I couldn't help but smile fondly at how cute it was. (It was also very concerning because she was talking to herself but cuteness overrules).

"Zayn had Liam take them last night to the bus. Jesy and Lou should be here any minute no-."

"Jade! I'm home!" Jesy yelled obnoxiously, causing me to laugh and spare a look at Jade. Her lips quirked up in a smile and then faded as realization seemed to hit her. "I guess I'm leaving now?" She asked and Jesy walked in with Louis behind her.

" Well, duh." Jesy smiled and I stood up to grab my bag when Jade, gripped my wrist and gave my a pleading look. Jesy looked at us both and shoved Louis out of the room, "We'll give you two little lady lovers time to part." Jesy winks and Jade stands up, holding both my hands in hers.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit off." Jade asked, her eyes studying my face. She was right, I was a bit sad that shs was leaving, I didn't want her to go. But she had to, it was her career and I wasn't going to intrude on that.

"I'm just going to miss you is all." I said, offering her a soft smile. Jade nodded, the ends of her lips quirking up.

"I'm going to be gone for a couple of weeks. Paps can make up a lot of stuff with in that amount of time, and well, I just want you to know that what ever bullshit story they come up with I would never think for one second about cheating on you. It's going to be hard, suckish, and tiring. I should know," Jade paused to let out a small, dry laugh. She was trying to comfort me, I was thankful for that but I knew what she was saying should not be taken lightly. "Paparazzi are mean, cruel, and vicious. I don't want you to believe that garbage. I love you okay?" Jade said, her hands leaving mine and cupping the back of my neck. I nod and she tiptoes, gently pressing her lip to mine briefly.

"Why is this so sappy, oh my God." I asked, laughing. I hugged Jade and walked her to the tour bus which during our conversation had pulled up in front of her house.

"I'll miss you." She stated as she glance at Jesy and Louis boarding the bus. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her waist, "I'm going to miss you too, Jadey." I said, kissinv her forehead and Jade pouts.

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