chapter 48

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Blood trickling down my face, I wanted this to go all away. I just want it to be a long, horrific nightmare.
I hear the door open to see Xavier starring at me. He walks toward me and leans down. I was starring straight into a black soul, no emotion, just hate.

"Hey I never wanted this to come this far but nate just needs to know what I'm capable of." he said moving a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Leave me alone" I yelled at him. He looked shocked and angry. He stood up and glared me in the eyes.
He raised his hand and I flinched.

Nates pov
I don't know what to do. I should have paid Xavier along time ago but I didn't know it would get this far.
I can't call the cops, I only have myself right know.
I have to find Olivia. And i'm going to find her.
By this time the sun was setting. I soon got a call from Xavier. I pick up the phone immediately.

"Hello?" I mumble into the phone.

"Nate you may want to calm your girlfriend down, before I hurt her even more." I hear her blood curdling scream

"Nate please help" those 3 exact words made me lose my mind I yelled through the phone

"Xavier I don't want to do this but if you keep hurting her you will not get you your money." I can feel him smirk in the phone.

"Well I wouldn't be to sure about that, pretty boy" and after that I couldn't hear Olivia's scream anymore.

"Xavier what'd you do to her I swear to-..."  He hangs up and I throw my phone on my bed and scream.

I need to give Xavier the money, and fast, before he kills Olivia. I should tell Sam, maybe he can help.

Adopted by Omaha boys (a Nate Maloley story)Where stories live. Discover now