Fiery Breath

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 Turns out there was a simple way towards breathing fire

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Turns out there was a simple way towards breathing fire. Well when she talked about it, it was simple, in practice however it was much harder.

Leo had to get angry and control that anger and breathe in then out.

Simple right?

But it wasn't really anger he needed, it was fury. It was like him becoming so angry he could no longer focus properly.

Ceres at first told him to think of something that made him angry. 

But what did?

He was kicked out of Camp Half Blood by Thalia? But really hadn't he deserved what she had said?

"That's self pity, not anger" Ceres reminded him, watching him curiously.  

"I know that!" Leo retorted.

Why was this so difficult?

Anything that made him angry. Maybe-

"You think your mother would have wanted this for you" Ceres suddenly asked, a small smile on her lips.

"Being so pathetic your friends barely remember you're there? What sort of nick name is tool boy anyway? Makes it sound like your just a tool for them they can use whenever they feel like it" Ceres said calmly.

Leo's skin stared to boil.

He breathed in deeply then shook his head, what was he doing? He was meant to be getting mad? Not trying to control himself.

He knew she was just trying to help but Leo couldn't stop himself from saying "Don't!"

He couldn't stand it!

She ignored him.

"I wonder how she'll feel that you aren't trying hard enough to help these campers ah, but you see I know how she would feel. She would feel disappointed"

"Stop it!" Leo hissed.

"She actually doesn't blame you in how she died but you? After all this time? You still blame yourself, don't you? In fact-"

"I said stop! You don't know a thing about her or me!" Leo shouted, his voice ringing out.

His hands were now holding flames that has burst to life as he cracked.

A slight sheen of sweat coated his body as his body temperature shot up.

His body ached!

"Do it now! Breathe in and shout, scream! Do what ever feels natural after you breathed in!" Ceres told him hurriedly, her voice commanding.

Leo breathed in then breathed out through his mouth, he opened his mouth to shout or yell or even curse at her for making he feel like this.

But what ever he had been about to do was drowned out. Drowned out by heat and the mighty roar of flames.

Fiery Breath...

Like dragon fire they burst into life in the air, exploding through him and out.

But not out of his hands or in his hair but this time out of his mouth.

The fire burst with bright colours.

His lungs ached suddenly and Leo keeled over, coughing and choking. The fire quickly burning out, replacing it was black smoke that came out of his mouth.

He was sweaty and felt like he had dipped himself in lava but...he had done it!

Leo looked up at Ceres and grinned, this was really happening? How cool was this?!

For a moment his eyes burned orange, reflecting the flames.

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