Chapter 2 - Nightmare and Troubles

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CHAPTER 2 – Nightmares and Trouble


It's now the last day of the first week. I'm now in my last lesson, English.

"Okay class, today we'll be partnering up for the upcoming English project. You'll be partnering up with the person next to you and the project is for you and your partner to create a poster; hard copy or online." This immediately made me look up as I realised that my partner would be none other than Ash.

"All because I was late for the first lesson..." I muttered under my breath. I really wanted to partner up with my girlfriends but I didn't really mind working with Ash. He seems like a nice guy. He fit perfectly into our group, thanks to Gary.

"The poster has to be about the mechanics of a Poke Ball, and you will also have to talk about other types of Poke Balls," Professor Birch instructed. "You'll use the rest of the class time remaining to work out meeting times and this project is due at the end of next week," he finished before everyone started chatting to their partners.

I looked back at Dawn who was conversing with Misty. They both noticed me looking at them so they both gave me a smile back. "That means we're together than Serena! Glad we're working together," I heard behind me to realise it was Ash wearing that gleeful smile of his.

I returned the smile back and asked, "When do you think we should get a start on this?"

Ash looked up at the ceiling as if he was pondering about my question. "Uh... How about this weekend? Are you free? I'm not doing anything this weekend," he said after looking back at me.

"Sure! I'm free as well, this weekend it is then," I said before I noticed someone looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I quickly shook it off before discussing about the project with Ash again.


*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

I grabbed my books and started to head out to my lockers. Again, I noticed someone looking at me through my peripheral vision. I turned to see that no one was looking at me. Hm... Strange, why do I feel like someone's looking at me...

???'s P.O.V

Why that little... Is the new kid trying to get close with my girl? No, I can't let him swoop in like that. I must stop him before he gets TOO close to her...



I ran straight into my room before jumping onto my bed. I embraced its soft texture and warmth that it always provided. Ah... The first week of school is finally over and Serena is coming over on the weekends. It's time for a nap!. My thoughts slowly drifted away as I started to let sleep consume me.


Huh? Where am I? I looked around to see I was in a enclosed, white room. No doors in sight whatsoever. That's when a face with no features popped out through the wall. I jumped backwards screaming in fear. Well I thought I screamed but no sound came out of my mouth. I studied the face a little more to see it was just a featureless white face.

"Don't get too close with her or you'll regret it, buddy," the face said with a lifeless tone.

I tried to ask what the face was talking about but again, no words came out. Everything started to shrink and drift away from me.


I immediately shot my body up, throwing my covers onto the ground. I realised I was sweating like a pig that had tried to run a marathon.

"That was so strange," I muttered before looking over to the clock. It read 5:03am. Wow I've been 'napping' for a pretty long time. My stomach started to growl loudly, realising I had completely skipped dinner. I headed straight for the kitchen, trying to make the least noise I could.

Once opening the fridge, I saw a covered plate of rice, beans and chicken. There was also a sticky note stuck to it saying, "Ash, I know you'd be hungry after your nap since you NEVER EVER skip dinner. So I left this here just in case you woke up at midnight. Love, Mum x."

I felt an ear to ear smile form on my face. I quickly ate it after reheating it. Wanting to go on a walk to clear my head a bit, I grabbed my trainers and left the house.

It was still somewhat dark outside but there was some light. As soon as I walked towards Serena's house, I noticed her coming out from her gate. Seems like she can't sleep either.

"Hey Serena!" I yelled out.

She jumped a little before turning around. I took a little while for her to recognise me. Once she did, she frowned and put a finger over her lips, indicating to be quiet. I nodded in agreement before running over to her.

"Can't sleep?" I asked. She simply nodded before I noticed that she still seemed a little tired. "You sure you should be out here? Looks like you're still tired, you should go get some more sleep," I said, sounding a little bit more worried that usual. I mean, I worry about all my friends but this time it seemed like a really genuine feeling. Don't know why though.

"I was trying to sleep again but it didn't work, so I decided to go for a walk. I'm fine though, thanks," she said with a reassuring tone. "Can't sleep too?"

I nodded before asking her if she wanted to walk with me for a little while.

We eventually found our way to a park before sitting on a bench. We walked in complete silence that I cannot describe. It seemed like an awkward silence but at the same time, not-so-awkward. I shook the thought off before telling her, "I seemed to have a nightmare last night."

She instantly shot her cerulean eyes to make direct eye contact with me. I could instantly tell from her eyes that there was a feeling of concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I simply nodded before saying, "Don't worry about me, it was just a silly nightmare." I chuckled. "So, we meet up at around 1 for the project?"

"Sure. I think we should head back now; wouldn't want our parents to worry about us," she said. I agreed with her before heading back and saying goodbye to her before she disappeared into her house.

The dream still bothered me a bit. What was the voice talking about? Strange... I shook it off before heading through the front door. I realised it was only 6:04am, so I ran back into my bedroom to try sleep some more. 

A/N: Hey guys! Finished Chapter 2! Hope you guys liked it! I'm aiming to finish up another chapter in the upcoming hours so stay tune!

Also, who is this person? Does this person connect with Ash's unusual dream? Find out in the upcoming chapters!

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