Chapter 17 - Heartache

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CHAPTER 17 - Heartache


"Ash, is it okay if I sit next to you?" Serena asked while we were lining up to pile onto the bus. She wants to sit next to me? She's requesting? Is this real life?

"Of course you can!" I gleefully replied, not having a second thought.

Once we were on the bus, I found a seat for Serena and I. We sat down, without saying a word to each other.

The bus started moving. This is going to be a long trip. Plugging my earphones in, I sat back, getting into a comfortable position.

A few minutes later, I realised Serena was having trouble, trying to sleep. The honey-blonde was shifting around, trying to find the right position.

"Serena? Are you having trouble, sleeping?" I whispered, clearly tired, myself.

"Yeah... I've been awake for almost 48 hours... And I can't seem to find a comfortable position to sleep in..." she yawned. Hearing, those words, I instantly thought of the perfect remedy.

"Do you... Perhaps... Want to sleep on my shoulder...?" I hesitated, hoping she'd say yes. She seemed to be intrigued by the idea as a large smile grew on her face.


Did he seriously ask that? He asked if I wanted to sleep on his shoulder? Are you kidding me?! Of course I do! I felt an ear-to-ear smile, slowly grow into my face. I nodded in approval before slowly letting my head, rest of his shoulder. As my head touched his shoulder, I instantly felt a warm sensation, travel through my whole body.

The comfort he provided, made me feel like all the problems in the world melt away.

Before soon, I slowly drifted into a deep, restful sleep.


"Come here Serena..." a voice creepily said, behind me. I instantly turned around to see the monster that was, Calem, but he was staring at the ground. He slowly walked towards me.

"What do you want?!" I screamed. He looked up, showing his pupil-less eyes. I gasped in terror, cupping my mouth with my hands.

"I want you!" he shouted, beginning to pick up his pace. The pace became a run, as he headed, straight for me. I tried picking up my speed to escape the demon. But, as I was backing off, I tripped over my own feet, leaving me defenceless.

"I've got you now!" he spat, leaping into me, while licking his lips. Pools of tears were escaping my eyes, witnessing what I feared the most, again. No please... Not again... Please, I beg of you. Please go away from me...

The demonic boy lifted his hand and reached for me. I shut my eyes, which were still tear-ridden.

"GET OFF HER!" I heard someone yell, recognising the voice. That's when I heard a loud, bone-breaking sound. My eyes immediately opened, happy to see the person who was standing there. It wasn't the demon, but rather, an angel.

My tears of terror, slowly turned into tears of joy, upon seeing the raven-haired boy. He helped me up, then pulled me into a tight hug. It felt so good to be in his embrace. The embrace that always comforted me, no matter what the situation was. It always gave me warmth and made feel like no other.

He pulled back from the hug, though, keeping his hands on my shoulders. I saw his toned face and stared straight into his auburn eyes. But I realised his expression was of a confused one. I couldn't figure why he looked so bewildered.

"Serena?" he asked. I tried to respond before realising I couldn't speak, whatsoever.

"Serena?!" he yelled.

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