Chapter 28 - New Trouble?

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CHAPTER 28 - New Trouble


"Class, I'd like you all to welcome our newest student, Alain," Professor Birch announced. It's now the first day back and we have a new classmate. The boy walked in with his hands in his pockets.

He had messy black hair, wore a blue scarf, a black leather jacket with a blue v-neck over a white undershirt, baggy grey pants which was topped off with black boots. Alain didn't say much, but just gave a wave to the class. I heard gasps and screams from the girls behind me.

"He's so cute!" one said.

"I know right! I wonder if he has a girlfriend," another one whispered.

I looked at Serena to see that she was looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I just shrugged and turned my attention back to him. He was coming our way. The boy took the chair next to Serena and said, "Hey beautiful, mind if I sit here?"

I instantly glared at him before saying, "Oi. She's taken." I couldn't help but feel annoyed with him for flirting with my girl.

"By who? You? What a joke," he retorted. Rage started to flow through my blood streams so I slammed the table and got up.

"Yeah! What if she's taken by me?! Bug off!" I shouted.

"Settle down you two!" Professor Birch bellowed before Serena pulled me back to my seat.

"Ash, calm down!" she said as Alain got up and moved elsewhere. My anger slowly died down.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," I whispered. Serena smiled and said, "I know you're trying to be protective and all but don't snap at people like that. Especially in class."

I gave her a salute before class continued.


Gary, Serena and I were on our way to art as I explained what happened to Gary.

"He flirted with Se-?!" Gary yelled before I cupped his mouth with my hand.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" I hissed as I let go.

"He tried flirting with you?" Gary directed at Serena before she nodded.

"I swear to Arceus, I felt like knocking his brains out," I remarked as we entered the art room.

As we walked in, I noticed Alain was sitting on the other side of the room. He shot a wink at Serena who didn't seem to notice, so I quickly grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss. I heard "ooh"s all around the classroom before I let her go.

"What was that for?" she asked. I smiled as my reply before we sat down. Looking over at Alain, I saw him glaring at me which caused me to smirk. Pfft, who does he think he is? Does he think he can take Serena from me?

"Okay, class. Today, you're all to get into pairs to make a clay pot of any design. This will be apart of your semester's grade and more information will be provided when I get ahold of the task sheet," Professor Elm explained. Upon hearing what he said about pairs, I instantly shot my eyes to Serena who was looking at me too, thinking the same.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Of course," she smilingly replied. That's when I heard footsteps approach from behind.

"Hey beautiful, how about we be partners?" the voice asked. Once again, rage started flowing throughout my whole body as I recognised whose voice it was. I was about to snap at him, but I restrained myself from doing so, not wanting to cause another uproar in the classroom.

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