Chapter 23 - The Reveal

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CHAPTER 23 - The Reveal


It is a fresh week of school; it's the last week of the term, to be exact. Serena and Ash both decided to not catch the bus, but walk to school, instead. They tried to avoid their friends like the plague before school started.

The new couple didn't say much to each other on their way there but were feeling content with each other; hand in hand.

"Did anyone know about your feelings before we became a couple?" Serena asked, breaking the silence.

This immediately caught Ash's attention. "Um... Well, yeah," he responded. The honey-blonde was now intrigued with who knew about his secret.

"Can you tell me?" she pried. Ash hesitated for bit, but didn't want to keep any secrets.

"Well... All the guys know and Dawn does too," the raven-haired boy admitted.

"What?!" she yelled in shock, "How did that happen?"

Ash sighed upon remembering what Gary had told everyone, on the day that he bought Serena's present. He recounted the story to Serena who burst out in laughter.

"How is that funny?" Ash questioned, feeling somewhat offended.

"Because Gary's an idiot, that's why," the girl responded.

"Yeah, you can say that again," Ash smiled. "You know, Dawn is the person who actually told me to admit my feelings."

Serena shot her head and m looked back at Ash upon hearing his words.

"Well, indirectly. She just said I should go for it and I don't know what the outcome could be," he said, "I'm glad she did though. Now we're together!" Serena gave a big smile and tightened her hand's grip.

"Are you ready?" Ash asked as the young lovers approached the school's gates. She nodded before they both walked in while their fingers were interlocked, tighter than ever. Luckily, no one seemed to notice and those who did, didn't really care. Ash and Serena walked over to their normal rendezvous.

Dawn and the others were casually talking about some affairs before she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. She turned around to see two silhouettes walking towards them, hand in hand. "Um, guys. Look over there," Dawn pointed out. Everyone craned their heads into the general direction that Dawn was pointing to. They all gasped in shock upon seeing two familiar figures.

"No way... Is that?" Drew said.

"It can't be... Can it?" May denied.

"Oh my Arceus! It is!" Dawn shouted. Everyone's mouths were widely gaped as the couple appeared into direct sunlight, revealing their faces.

"There's no doubt. Ashy-boy has done it," Gary remarked.

As the two walked up to the group, everyone was completely silent. Gary and Dawn were standing proud while the rest of the group were shocked, to see the two, holding hands.

"So, you guys are finally a couple," Gary said before walking over to Ash and slapping him on the back.

"It is official. Serena and I are a couple!" Ash proudly shouted. Everyone erupted into cheers and woos. "Good on you, Ash!" Drew prasied.

"I'm so happy for the both of you!" Clemont and May said in unison.

"You've done us proud,," Kenny remarked.

"So, when did this happen?" Misty asked. The new love-tangled couple looked at each other, wondering who would tell the story. Ash indicated for the honey-blonde to recount last night's events.

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