Chapter 13 - Let the Games Begin

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CHAPTER 13 - Let the Games Begin


"Are you prepared, Ethan?" I asked. The buff man looked at me before nodding.

"Good." Today will be the day. The day where I finally remove Ketchum. He will not be a thorn to me any longer.


Harsh sun rays pierced through my eyelids, forcing me to open them. I saw the night sky slowly fading away as the sun began to rise, bringing natural bright lights to the world. The campsite was dead silent. I guess everyone's still sleeping.

I felt a force on my head, which was leaning on something. I smiled as I remembered what occurred, last night. He said he liked it... I thought I scared him away.

I locked myself in the same position, thinking of what to do next. Yes! I know what to do! This is perfect! I hope you don't mind waking you up, Ash. I poked his arm several times before he started to stir from his sleep. After a few seconds, he lifted his head off mine, allowing me to retract from his shoulder; as much as I hated to.

The raven-haired boy turned his head until we made direct eye contact. His eyes were half shut, though. "Good morning!" I greeted. He broke the eye contact as he looked around again.

"Morning Serena," he smiled, "It's still pretty early and no ones up, do you want to head back inside?"

I violently shook my head since he was asking the opposite of what I had in mind. "Well, since no one's awake and it's still pretty early, I thought we could go for a walk in the forests," I smiled before he blankly stared at me.

"Wait... Don't we have to receive a teacher's permission?" he remembered.

"We don't have to go that far; it could just be a short stroll. Plus, the teachers are still asleep. So, what do you say?" I replied. I noticed a small grin on his face before he nodded. We took off, into the forests, admiring the natural life and scenery before us.


After breakfast, everyone gathered in the middle of the campsite, but separated into our groups. I heard screeching noises and looked over to see a megaphone come to life.

"Attention, all students. Today we will be commencing our first activity of the camp. I will reiterate the general rules," Professor Sycamore announced before reexplaining the rules. "Okay, so there will be four starting points, as there are 4 of you in each group. Each racer will have to go through the obstacles that we have set out, while maintaining your baton. Is that clear?" he continued.

Everyone nodded in confirmation before he added, "You will have 5 minutes to sort out your positions, if not already planned. You will report your positions to me or the other teachers. Once we're finished with that, everyone, besides the starters, will follow me to start at your set positions. Let the games begin!"

Gary, Dawn, Ash and I, went back to the porch of our cabin, discussing what we had planned last night.

"Okay. So, I am first; Serena, you're second, Dawn, you're third, and Gary, you're last. That's the plan?" Ash confirmed. Dawn and I nodded, while Gary gave a thumbs up.

Gary stuck his hand out, soon to be topped by Ash's. I stacked my hand third and Dawn was last to join. "Let's go!" we all yelled, raising our arms into the air. Wow, I'm actually pumped and excited for this. I cannot let the team down. We were shortly called over to report our positions.


Serena, Gary and Dawn walked off after wishing me luck, which I returned. I stepped up to the starting line, looking left, then right, to see my opponents. Looks like Misty's starting first for the other group. As soon as I looked past Misty, I immediately caught sight of Calem, making direct eye contact with him. For some reason, he had a, what looked like to be, menacing smirk on his face. I looked back to the forest tracks, breaking eye contact. I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face like rain droplets, furiously pushed away by screen wipers.

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