Chapter 3 - Projects

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CHAPTER 3 – Projects


"Mum, I'm heading out to my friend's house to work on my project now," I said as I grabbed my bag and other essentials.

"Oh okay honey, make sure you're back for dinner. Wait, are you going to May's, Dawn's or Misty's?" she asked. I stopped in my tracks upon hearing that question.

"Right, I haven't told you we have a new kid in our school this year, his name's Ash. He just lives down the road, so I'll see you soon," I replied before yanking the door backwards and started walking to Ash's house.

I wonder what kind of house he has. What if it's super modern and has all that fancy stuff? I giggled a little upon thinking to myself. Once I came to the front gate, I slowly opened it and walked up to the porch, noticing it was a two-storey house.. "Looks normal on the outside I guess," I murmured before knocking rhythmically on the door. In a matter of seconds, the door flew back, revealing Ash standing there with his normal day clothes on.

"Hey Serena! Come on in," he welcomed.

Once I was in the house, I looked around and took in my surroundings. It looked somewhat modern and I saw some vases sitting on top of marble pedestals. I also noticed there were a flight of stairs before a taller woman appeared out of, what seems like the kitchen; judging from the fridge and stove that I could see.

She was wearing a pink, buttoned shirt, covering a yellow undershirt. She was also wearing a blue skirt that reached her knees. I noticed that she had brown hair, unlike Ash, but the same auburn eyes as him.

"Hi! You must be Ash's friend, I'm Ash's mum. You can just call me Delia," she introduced before extending an arm.

"Oh hello, I'm Serena. Nice to meet you Delia," I said while grabbing her hand.

"So, Serena, are you ready to start working?" Ash asked from behind me. I nodded in confirmation before we both headed up the stairs, leading to Ash's room.

The room wasn't too small, but wasn't too big either. It had cream wallpaper, with blue carpet. There was also a workspace to the right of the room with a computer resting on it, and to the right was his bed and cupboard. I saw figures of a Pikachu, Poke Ball, and whatnot standing on top of a stand, which was situated above his bed. Overall, the room looked pretty clean. I wonder if he just cleaned it for me or he always keeps it clean.

"Welcome to my dungeon!" he said jokingly, making me chuckle a little.

"Do you always keep it clean or did you just tidy up?" I asked, "Because, you know, I've heard that boys don't always keep their rooms tidy. I've seen Gary's and Drew's room. They are a complete mess every time the girls and I are around." I saw Ash nervously chuckle while scratching his cheek.

"Well... I don't ALWAYS keep it dirty, but I cleaned it for this occasion because I didn't want to have us work in an untidy environment," he said; still scratching his cheek. "Shall we get started?" I nodded and grabbed my stationery and sat next to him on his bed.


It's been an hour or so and we've been gathering info for the poster. "So, you think we should put pictures of the different types of Poke Balls as a border to make it look prettier?" I suggested.

His face lit up before saying, "That's a great idea Serena!" He managed to print out pictures of Great Balls, Ultra Balls, Dive Balls, and whatnot before I cut them out and stuck them on the page. "This looks great" I said as I admired our work of art. That's when I heard a loud growling noise. The noise freaked me out because it made my jump back a bit. I looked at Ash who was nervously chuckling and rubbing the back of his head.

"Uh... Sorry, I guess I'm pretty hungr-" Ash started before being interrupted by Delia shouting from downstairs; telling us that lunch is ready. "Great timing Mum! Serena let's take a break and have some lunch!" he said excitedly before dashing out of the room. I giggled to myself and left the room.

I noticed that Delia had made sandwiches of all sorts. Ranging from chicken, to beef, to bacon, and to vegetables alone. There was also a side of salad. I felt a large smile forming on my face before I took my seat. "Wow Delia, this looks amazing! Thanks," I praised. Before I managed to grab my first sandwich, I noticed that Ash was downing sandwich after sandwich.

"ASH! EAT SLOWLY OR YOU'LL GET INDIGESTION. ALSO, WHEN A WOMAN IS HERE, YOU HAVE TO EAT WITH ETIQUETTE," Delia scolded, forcing Ash to stop eating. This caused me to laugh a little and blush, ever so slightly.

"Oh right, sorry!" Ash apologised and started to eat more like a normal person. That's one thing I've noticed Ash do during lunch. He really doesn't care with the way he eats and how much he eats. If it satisfies him, he'll just eat food the way he wants.

After lunch we both decided to stop working on the project for the day just so we wouldn't burn out from working all day. Now, we're just playing Mario Kart on his Wii U.

"Ha-hah! I beat you again," I mocked. He started to pout while crossing his arms and turning around just like a baby. I chuckled a bit while blushing. Huh? Why am I blushing again?. Turning around, I looked at the clock to realise I had lost track of time. Seems like I've had too much fun that I didn't even realise it was getting late.

"Oh! Ash, it's getting pretty late, my mum wanted me to be home before dinner. So we can finish the poster sometime during the week? It's not due 'till the end of next week," I said. I saw him look around at the clock and he jumped up.

"Wow! Sure, we can finish it during the week. I guess we've been having too much fun and we didn't realise how late it was getting. So, I'll see you next week in school?" he asked. I nodded while smiling and waving goodbye to him. "Oh, and Serena?" I turned my head back just before I opened the door. "I had a lot of today! This is probably the most fun I've had in a long time! Thank you, Serena," he thanked as he revealed that smile of his.

I blushed heavily and turned back to hide it before saying, "Me too! See you later, Ash."

"Bye Delia! Thanks for lunch again!" I yelled out to Delia.

"No worries, come back any time," she yelled from the kitchen.

I opened the door and walked back to my house. Wow, that felt really good. That's definitely the most fun I've had in ages, just like he said.


After I saw Serena leave the house, I returned to my room and noticed something familiar. It was a pink hat that had a black ribbon run all around it. Wait... This is Serena's! I guess I'll give it back to her on Monday. I placed the hat next to my bag to make sure I didn't forget it at the start of the week.

I walked downstairs after hearing mum yell out that dinner was ready. "We're having pasta today, dear," she said before sitting down at the table; opposite to me. I started to chow down on the food before my mum asked me, "So, what do you think of Serena?" I was confused as to what she was asking me so I gave her a bewildered look.

"What I mean is, do you like her?" she questioned.

"Of course I like her! She's my friend," I replied, without a doubt.

"Oh Ash, you're as dense as a rock. I mean romantically. Do you have any feelings towards her?"

Her question caused me to blush intensively. "No! She's just a friend," I replied defensively. Trying to avoid the subject, I looked back down at my food and started munching on it. I heard her laugh.

Once I finished eating my food, I plopped onto my bed, completely exhausted. Do I like her? As in romantically? She's just a friend though isn't she? And I'm still wondering why I had that strange dream as well... My thoughts started to slip away as I felt sleep takeover. 

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading the fourth chapter of Kalos High. I really want to thank you guys again for the views. If you liked it, be sure to vote it and if you didn't, comment why so I can improve in those areas.

Does Ash have romantic feelings towards Serena? And how will this dream of Ash's play out? Find out in the upcoming chapters! Stay tune!

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