Chapter 6 - Crushes?

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CHAPTER 6 - Crushes?


"Ah... We've finally finished the poster! It looks great!" I said, plopping myself onto my own bed and sighing in relief. It's been 2 days since I've been discharged from the hospital. Ash and I just finished our poster for English, ready to present on Friday.

"Doesn't it? I'm sure we'll get a high mark for this; look how much information we have and how presentable it looks," he stated.

"I know right? Good job Ash, we did good." I raised arm up just for him to give me a strong high-five. I carefully rolled up our poster and placed it in my bag before asking, "Okay now that we've done that, do you have any homework?"

"Nah, I don't. Do you?" he queried. I shook my head. We just sat there in a somewhat awkward silence before I decided to break the silence. "Hey, since we don't have anything to do, do you want to head over to Dawn's house? She asked me earlier but I declined, thinking that it would take us a lot longer to finish this. I guess we were really productive today."

"You can say that again," he chuckled, "Um... Nah, it's okay. I'll just head over to Gary's for the day. Sorry, maybe next time. He did ask me to come over yesterday, but homework kept me at home." I felt a little disappointed at his response since I did want to spend more time with him. Ever since the hospital incident, I think we've grown closer to each other. I don't know what it is though.

"That's okay, you don't have to apologise. Well, I guess we should head off?" I said before he nodded at the question.

Once we were both at the front gate, we departed, saying our goodbyes.



On my way to Gary's house, I started to think to myself again. Wow, it seems like Serena and I have grown a lot closer since the whole Ethan incident. I blush around her a lot more now. Why though? It's not even summer but I feel like my cheeks keep burning up. Almost like I have a fever, but not quite. Her smile. That smile is probably the best feature of hers. It's really cute. No doubt. I've never felt these feelings around any other girl before. Should I talk to someone about it? Who though... I shook these thoughts away as I realised I had approached Gary's house.

I pounded on Gary's front door and waited for a few seconds. He then came out, looking surprised at my appearance. "Oh hey Ashy-boy, what's up?" I sweatdropped upon hearing that nickname.

"Can you please stop calling me that? Anyways, do you want to hang out for a bit if you're free? You did ask me yesterday but I couldn't go remember?" I asked.

"Right. Sure come on in." He let me in before walking upstairs to his room. "You see, being the extraordinaire that I am, I just bought the latest version of Sonic Racers. Let's try it out," he suggested. I nodded before he handed me a Wii U gamepad.

We've been playing for at least an hour; nonstop. Except for when we needed to use the bathroom. "Alright Gary, I'm getting a little tired of this. Let's sit around and chill for a bit, before I go home," I said. He nodded in agreement before asking, "So Ashy-boy, what do you want to talk about? Anything about girls? Because you know, I'm the man when it comes to that stuff."

Again with the name! I hesitated for a few seconds. Should I ask him about these strange feelings? He does seem like the guy that would know about this sort of stuff. Well, hopefully. "Alright Gary, can you keep a secret? If you let this out I will hunt you down, no joke," I asked seriously. He motioned his fingers so it looked like he zipped his mouth.

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