Chapter 15 - Rescue

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CHAPTER 15 - Rescue

*WARNING: This chapter has some coarse language.*


Gary and Serena quickened their pace towards the direction from where they had previously, heard the scream.

"Come on, we need to hurry up," Serena urged. They pushed even harder, with all their might, to hopefully save whoever was there.


"Are you awake, yet? Punk!" Calem yelled, slamming his fist into the unconscious body like it was a punching bag.

Meanwhile, Ethan was guarding the entrance of the clearing. Although, the figure was absolutely bored, so he whipped out his phone and started rapidly tapping on it.



"We're getting closer, I think," Gary huffed, trying to catch his breath. We took a short break from running since we could've collapsed if we hadn't.

Looking up at the bare, dark night sky, I remembered the moment Ash and I shared, last night. The warmth I felt from his presence was beyond comforting. This memory caused my emotions to crazily stir. I teared up, before seeing a shooting star, fly across the sky.

I immediately clasped my hands together and shut my eyes. Please, let Ash Ketchum be okay. I wish that he isn't in any grave danger and I wish to find him soon. Opening my eyes, my vision returned to the starry skies.

"Serena, you ready?" Gary suddenly asked. I looked over to see he was on his feet. Nodding, we set off in the same direction.

The forest tracks seemed to be never ending. It almost felt like we were going in circles since all I could see was a straight track with rows of trees on either side.

"I swear, I feel like we aren't making any progress in this forest," Gary suddenly said. I had to agree, it seemed like we didn't make any progress. But as long as we find Ash, it's okay

A few minutes later, the walkie-talkie statically cracked to life. I picked it up from my pocket and placed it next to my ear.

"Has anyone made any progress? Over," the voice asked. There were many muffled "no"s before I declined as well.

"Please update us if you've made any progress. Over," the voice finished before I placed the device back.

The forest track finally seemed to
end as there was a visible
clearing, up ahead. But, there was a silhouette revealed by moonlight, leaning against a tree. As I got closer, I recognised the tall, muscular figure.

The figure seemed to notice our entrance as it turned around, saying, "Look who's here. The puny girl and the wimpy boy."

Gary seemed enraged by Ethan's words. "Where is Ash?!" Gary screamed, definitely agitated.

"You'll have to get past me if you want to know," he mocked.

"Okay, plan is: I distract this guy while you sneak past him to see if Ash is there. Got it?" the brown-haired boy whispered.

"Will you be okay?" I concernedly asked. He smiled before giving me a thumbs up.


Gary charged straight for the brute figure, slamming into his abdomen. Ethan seemed to be unfazed by the attempt, so he lifted Gary off his feet before hurling him onto the ground.

Serena took this chance to slip past Ethan, behind the trees. "Good luck, Gary," she whispered. Once she was through the clearing, time seemed to stop as she witnessed the most horrifying sight she had ever seen.

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