Chapter 36 - Christmas Eve (Part 2)

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CHAPTER 36 - Christmas Eve (Part 2)


"I'm so tired!" Ash huffed as he sat down on the bench. It's roughly been an hour since Ash and I skid around the ice rink in synchronisation.

"I am too! Wasn't that fun though?" I asked.

"Of course it was! Thanks to you," he responded, causing me to smile.

"How about another token of my thanks?" Ash winked which I immediately caught onto what he was implying, so I patiently waited. The boy got up and yanked me from the bench, forcing me onto him. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and instantly leaned his head in.

Our lips met and stayed in the same position for approximately 5 seconds before we both pulled back.

"You're welcome," I smiled before Ash's face lit up.

"Let's go to the snowball shooting course!" he yelled while pointing his finger in the direction behind me. I turned around to see a poster which advertised snowball shooting. I walked up to the poster to read that it was player vs player.

"That means I might be on your team or I might be on the other," I explained to his surprise.

"Aw. Let's hope for the best!" Ash said. Luckily for us, the course was situated one storey above us. As we were on our way, I noticed a very familiar figure. Dark purple winter coat... Dark purple jeans... Spiky brown hair... I gasped as I realised who it was.

"Ash, look over there," I said, pointing to the figure, before he looked over and gasped.

"Gary!" he called out. The person looked and around and too, gasped before walking over. To my surprise, he wasn't alone, he was walking with Misty.

"Hey Gary, hey Misty," Ash greeted.

"Hey guys," I smiled.

"Serena!" Misty screamed before squeezing me into a hug.

"Ashy-boy. Serena," Gary said, lifting his forefingers up.

"What are you guys doing here?" I questioned.

"Together...?" Ash added as I realised they were together. As if they were on a date.

"Wait, are you guys..." I raised an eyebrow which Misty looked in away in sheer embarrassment.

"Well... Sort of," Gary stated as he rubbed the back of his head, just like Ash does when he's embarrassed.

"When did this happen?!" I excitedly asked Misty.

"It happened a while ago but we've kept it really low-key. Until you found us here," she responded before the perfect idea popped into me head.

"I know! If you guys are a couple, we can have a double date," I suggested.

"What's a double date?" Ash asked as Misty and Gary instantly jerked their heads towards the bewildered raven-haired boy.

"Oh right, I'm still your first girlfriend," I laughed, "A double date is when 2 couples go out with each other and have a date. Pretty simple."

"Oh," he said.

"I'm down for it," Gary stated.

"Me too!" Misty happily added.

"Where were you guys going beforehand?" Gary asked.

"Oh, we were going to the snowball shooting course," Ash responded.

"Really? We were just about to head over as well," Misty said.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go then!" I spoke as everyone agreed.

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