Final Chapter - Christmas Eve (Part 3)

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CHAPTER 37 - Christmas Eve (Part 3)

QUESTION OF THE BOOK: What was your favourite Amourshipping moment? Comment below!


"I still can't believe that we lost to you girls," Ash pouted as he stuffed bread into his mouth.

"You have to give it to them. They methodically outplayed us," Gary smirked.

"Using big words now, huh?" Misty teased.

"He's right though. Our plan was to make Misty a bait, so when you guys found her, I'd sneak up and get both of you. Girl power!" I triumphantly said. After defeating the guys in the snowball shoot out, we all felt the hunger devour our stomachs, so I decided to use the pass. Naturally, Ash was seated beside me, whereas Misty was seated next to Gary.

"We do get free lunch and dinner now. Even better for our double date," I smiled. I know Ash couldn't pass up free lunch and dinner at a 4.5 star restaurant.

"I would've liked to take the win-win not the win-loss," Gary mumbled, shooting confusion into Misty and I.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"What Oak tree means is that we were the only four contestants left; meaning the free lunch and dinner prize was bound to us four. That's one win, but the other win was obviously us two guys beating you two," Ash explained, clearing our confusion.

The whole group sat in silence, whilst eating for the next few minutes, until Gary sliced the tranquillity. "What are you guys planning on doing between lunch and dinner?"

Gary's question instantly reminded me of our next planned activity. Ash had previously come up with the idea and it completely struck me. It's one of my favourite past times.

"Should we tell them?" I whispered, leaning towards the raven-haired boy's ear.

"Nah, let's keep it a secret for now," he responded.

"Hey, what are you guys whispering about over there? It better not be something bad about me," Gary said from across the table.

"Don't worry, Oak tree. It's nothing negative about you. We were just saying how we should keep our next plans a secret," Ash answered.

"Can't you tell us?" Misty queried.

"Nope, it's a secret," I laughed as I lifted one finger over my lips.

"Fine, it better be good though," Gary added.

"Don't worry. It'll get everyone into the Christmas spirit, even if you already are," Ash commented, "Talking about Christmas spirit; Kalos seems to celebrate Christmas a lot more than Kanto does."

Ash's statement immediately caught my attention. "It's true. I use to live in Kanto too and Kalos has it way better here. That was a pretty long time ago though. Kalos is way more festive than any other region," Gary spoke.

That's right. Gary use to live in Kanto.

"Christmas is one of, if not, the biggest holidays in the region. They call Kalos the 'Region of Festivals'," Misty said before stuffing food into her mouth. They do call Kalos the 'Region of Festivals', but Kalos is well known to be the Region of something else...

"I guess this is going to be the best Christmas I'll ever have!" Ash yelled, rising his fork into the air. I quickly lowered his arm, trying to save us from embarrassment.

"Ash! We're in public!" I hissed.

"Sorry," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

Soon after we finished our meal, we left the prestigious restaurant and made our way to our next destination; which probably will be my favourite.

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