Chapter 35 - Christmas Eve (Part 1)

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CHAPTER 35 - Christmas Eve (Part 1)

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I groggily opened my eyes to see snow slowly fall onto the window sill. Remembering what day it was, I smiled. I just had the best sleep in preparation for today. Today is going to be a big day and I thoroughly believe it's going to be one of the best.

Once I jumped out of bed and made it, I quickly ran to my closest and grabbed my normal day clothes and a nice, warm, blue winter jacket. Serena bought this alongside a matching pink one a few days ago, for the both of us. Naturally, I was going to wear it, knowing that Serena would probably wear the matching one.

After a few minutes of standing in the shower, thinking about the day ahead, I finally hopped out; changed and ran down for breakfast.

"Morning, Ash," Mum happily smiled.

"Hey, Mum," I responded.

"Are you ready for your special date, today?" she slyly asked, giving me a slight wink which didn't faze me too much.

"I'm more than ready! I'm super pumped for it. I just need to be myself and it'll be perfectly fine," I remarked.

"That's what I like to hear, dear. Here's your breakfast," she said as she handed me my standard and favourite breakfast.

As soon as I finished breakfast, I whipped out my phone and texted Serena.

"Morning, Serena :)"

"Morning, Ash! ;)"

"Are you ready for me to head over?"

"Yeah you can start walking now. I'll see you very soon. xoxo"

I smiled as I headed upstairs and grabbed my backpack.

"Bye Mum! I won't be home until later tonight!" I shouted.

"Goodbye, dear! Remember to treat your lady well!" she responded which caused me to sweatdrop. As I shut the door and serviced the street, I realised that every single house was decorated with Christmas ornaments and decorations.

"I guess everyone in Kalos have the Christmas spirit," I mumbled to myself before walking down the street. I couldn't be any happier for the day that was about to come.



I was sitting on the staircase, waiting for my beloved to come. I felt extremely warm in my new winter jacket. Hopefully Ash wore the blue one that I bought as a pair. They looked really cute and it's always snowing so it made sense.

"Have fun, honey. Make sure your young love strives," Mum said as she walked past my sitting figure.

"Of course I will," I remarked.

"Good, and I think he's here," she stated whilst looking out of the window. Suddenly, there were gentle knocks on the door.

"Ash!" I joyously shouted as I opened the door and instantly threw myself onto him. I pulled my head back to slowly meet his lips with mine.

"Aw, aren't you guys cute?" Mum giggled from behind which caused me to blush, while having my lips locked with Ash's.

"Hi, Grace," Ash smiled after we pulled back. I took myself away from the embrace and traditionally slipped my left hand into Ash's right.

"Hello, Ash. You two kids have a good day. And make sure you take care of my-" she started before I immediately interrupted her; to save myself from embarrassment.

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