Chapter 32 - Distance

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CHAPTER 32 - Distance


"Dawn! There you are," I shouted over to Dawn who had just entered the park. I expected her to have an angry look on her face but it was rather the opposite. She didn't look furious at all. It was a sympathetic look.

"Hey Ash. How are you holding up?" Dawn politely asked.

"To be honest, I'm completely broken now. I don't know what to do, but I want to fix things with Serena somehow. I have to be strong. She's my true love and I know there's a way to get her back," I stated, "I swear I didn't kiss Miette, It was ju-" Dawn cut me off.

"You don't have to explain to me, Ash. I know you'd never do anything to hurt Serena. I can see it in your heart. You're loyal and dedicated. I bet you it was all Miette's doing," Dawn explained which made me feel a lot more comfortable.

"Thanks Dawn. Yeah, Miette just suddenly pulled me into a kiss and I couldn't get her off me. Serena just so happened to be there at the time. Seeing her expression then just completely killed me," I added. That's when the picture of Serena's face popped into my head. It was lost. Full of sadness and sorrow. Seeing that image just made me tear up. I couldn't resist.

"Are you okay, Ash?" Dawn worriedly questioned.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just the image of Serena's broken face that got me. Anyways, I really need your help. You were the one that practically gave me the advice to ask her out. Now I just need a favour from you... I ask for your help in this time of crisis," I said, sounding determined to get Serena back. Dawn looked around the area like she was thinking of something.

"Okay, we don't want to rush into things. She might despise you even more if you try and fix things right now. I think it's best you wait it out; give her some space before trying," Dawn finally spoke up. I pondered about her idea for a few seconds before deciding it'd probably be the best thing. to do.

"If you're trying to get back with Serena, I can't be the only one helping. Everyone in our group has to and I'm guarantee you; they all know who you truly are. They know you wouldn't purposely hurt Serena, in any way," Dawn smiled. I couldn't help but smile from Dawn's encouraging words. They spoke the truth. I'd probably kill myself before purposely hurting Serena. That girl is my all and always will be. One day, I will be back with you, Serena. Just you wait.

I'll be back.



It's been about a month since the breakup. The first week was the most painful week I've ever felt. Every time we'd look at each other in class, he would always stare at me. But those eyes kept bringing the pictures of him, kissing another girl; ultimately, bringing despair to me. As the month slowly progressed, I felt better; I felt somewhat alive again.

Over the past week or so, every time I see him, we'd make eye contact and smile at each other. We haven't really exchanged many words, except for when it's completely necessary. I haven't completely forgiven him and I don't know if I ever will. But there's this flame, inside. A flame which hasn't been extinguished yet. However, that flame is dim and weak; every time I see him, I feel like that flame grows brighter and more powerful for a few seconds before reverting back to its original state.

Maybe my love for him hasn't completely diminished yet. But it definitely has been dimmed. I don't know if it's a sign. But I know, deep down; my love for him still exists somewhere. I just don't know it's exact whereabouts.

"Serena Yvonne! Will you stop daydreaming and answer my question?! What's the rule for 'angles between a chord and a tangent'?" Professor Rowan requested, snapping me out of my thoughts.

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