Chapter 5 - Is there someone behind it all?

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CHAPTER 5 - Is there someone behind it all?



I heard a slow rhythmic beep as I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was someone was holding onto my hand. I slowly craned my neck around not wanting to move too much. My eyes widened as I realised who was holding onto my palm. It was Ash.

I felt flustered knowing that he was clenching onto my hand, while sleeping in his seat. I looked to around to check where I was. That's when I realised I was situated in a hospital room. I looked back at Ash and started to blush a deep red. Wow, he looks so peaceful sleeping. Maybe I should wake him up.

I tapped his shoulder and he started to stir from his slumber. His head shot up to look at his surroundings, while still grabbing my hand. That's when he realised he was still holding my hand. I saw his face turn crimson red then he quickly took his hands away.

"Sorry, hehe.... I was really worried about you," he quietly said. I blushed again, hearing those words.

"It's okay, what happened?" I asked since I was still feeling dazed, not remembering the exact details.

"We were on our way to the nurse's office from Ethan's beating. You started to breathe heavily and then you collapsed. The school called the ambulance and now we're here," he explained. That's when it all came back to me.

"Dawn, the others and your mum were really worried about you, but they couldn't just skip school and your mum had to go to work, so I offered to stay here with you... If that's okay," he continued.

I blushed upon hearing the words coming from his mouth. "Of course it is. Thank you so much, Ash. I really appreciate it, but I think we should be getting back to school," I suggested. This immediately caught his attention as he said, "No! Serena, you have to rest for now, until we get the doctor's okay."

"We?" I asked.

"We, as in I'm going to stay here and wait until you're discharged," he replied with a serious tone.

"I can't let you skip your lessons like that though," I argued. He slowly shook his head before saying, "No, Serena. You wouldn't even be in here if it wasn't for me, so I'll stay with you. Plus, our teachers have already been notified so we should be okay. I can't let you be alone like that."

After hearing that, I immediately blushed and tried to cover it with my hair. "Okay, if you insist," I said before hearing a loud growling sound coming from my stomach. I blushed from
the sheer embarrassment and looked away before hearing Ash laughing a little.

"Seems like someone's hungry," he chuckled, "I'll get you some food, what do you want?"

"Just a salad bowl, thanks," I replied with an appreciative tone before smiling.


"I'm back!" I yelled before noticing that Serena had fallen asleep. I tiptoed my way to the chair next to her before looking at her for a bit. Wow, she seems so peaceful and calm, just by sleeping here. That's when I remembered the doctor saying that Serena had to take her medicine after eating; to quicken the healing process. I gave her a light tap on the shoulder before her eyes started to softly open.

"Oh hey Ash," she said, sounding tired, but still able to pull out that smile, immediately noticing it. Man, that smile always gets me. What is it about that smile?

"Wakey wakey, you need to eat this then take the medicine over there," I pointed over to the tablets, resting on the table. I noticed that she opened her mouth slightly, and started pointing to it. It took me a few seconds to figure out what she wanted.

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