Chapter 25 - Theme Park Date

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CHAPTER 25 - Theme Park Date


"Where are we going? I want to know," I questioned as Ash was pulling me with him. I really didn't know where he was leading me to but it gave me a sense of excitement, not knowing where we were going.

"You'll find out soon," he smilingly teased as I finally caught up to his pace.

"Can I at least get a hint?" I pouted, which made him chuckle a little.

"Okay, Okay. It's a place where anyone of any age will enjoy," he stated. A place where anyone of any age will enjoy...? What type of places are there?

"Aw, I want to know now!" I said. I looked at him just as he looked at me with his trademark smile stuck onto his face

"You've been such a baby today," he commented, which turned my stare into a glare. "Hey, you can't deny it," he teased. My glare faded away as I giggled.

Suddenly, I heard some theme park music in the far distance. Theme park music? Is this a theme park?! The music slowly got louder and louder until it was booming through the area.

"Recognise the music?" the raven-haired boy asked. I instantly nodded.

"I haven't been to a theme park since I was like 9 or 10. Every time I've been here, it was so fun!" I said, "But will I have the same amount of fun since I'm older?"

"Of course you will! Like I said, anyone of any age will enjoy this place," he replied with a smile. I couldn't help but tighten my left hand's grip; the one holding his hand.

"You'll get to go on the rides that you weren't tall enough for!" he excitedly shouted.


"Where should we go first?" I asked, looking at every single ride all the games the park had to offer. My mind travelled through a nostalgic trip as it brought back so many good memories with Dawn and the others.

"You want to start off big?" I looked at him, trying to figure out what he meant by 'big'. My mind went straight to roller coasters.

"B-big?" I stuttered.

"There!" he pointed to somewhere. I slowly craned my head towards that direction until it finally stopped on the roller coaster.

"The r-roller c-c-coaster?" I hesitated. I was always too scared to go on any roller coasters. All my other friends besides Clemont totally love it. I really didn't see the fun in it, but rather more horror. That's when I felt my left hand being tightened.

"Serena, don't worry. I'll be there with you, the whole way," he comforted as he quickly pecked my cheek. In that sudden moment, I felt all of my nerves and worries melt away. Of course, I have Ash with me the whole way through.

"Of course, let's go!" I shouted. My first time on a roller coaster would be with my love. The one who always comforts me. How could I forget that?

We waited in line for about 10 minutes in line before we finally got to the admission booth.

The worker tightly strapped both of our seat belts. I mentally prepared my self for the ride. I know it would be scary, but I have Ash here. What should I be scared of?

That's when I felt a warm hand slip into my left. It almost seems like a tradition now. The raven-haired boy always seems to be to the left of me, so he has to hold my left hand with his right. It actually seems to perfectly fit together as I'm left-handed and he's a righty. I took my hat off and held it on my lap, which Ash followed suit, revealing his messy raven hair.

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