Chapter 11 - A Date?

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CHAPTER 11 - A Date?


May, Dawn, Clemont, Kenny and I were sitting around in Vaniville Park, talking. It's now 4:12pm on Saturday; 2 days before camp day. We're waiting for the rest of the group to go to the mall to have a relaxing day.

"What's taking them so long? They should've been here at least 10 minutes ago," Kenny impatiently said, tapping his foot on the ground and crossing his arms. I sweatdropped at his stance.

"They shouldn't be too much longer, Kenny," I reassured.


"Hey! Sorry we're late!" I heard from a distance. I looked over to the direction the voice had come from and saw 4 silhouettes, inching closer and closer.

"ABOUT TIME! WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG?!" Kenny exploded. It seemed like he was ready to murder all 4 of them.

"We're sorry. Gary and I met up with Drew and Ash was meant to meet up with us too. After waiting a little while, we decided to invade his house and give him a beating for being late," Misty explained.

"A literal beating!" Ash exclaimed. Misty shot a glare at him, forcing him to distance away.

"Whatever, let's get going now," Gary added. Ash sighed as we walked off. I stayed back a bit just to talk to him.

"How hard was the beating?" I laughed.

"Coming from Misty, it felt like torture. Actually, it was torture. I swear to Arceus, Misty is secretly a man," he whispered. I giggled a bit before I noticed Misty's ears perk up. After knowing her for so many years, I knew what her next move was so I felt genuinely scared for the boy.

"Ash, you might want to run," I whispered while Misty was approaching.

"What are yo-" he started before a fist connected with his face. I gasped, cupping my hands over my mouth. I looked over to Misty to witness the most devilish look I've seen on any female.

"Don't you dare call me a man!" Misty yelled. strutting off. I ran over to Ash who was still on the ground.

"Ash, are you okay?!" I exclaimed. I helped him up while he was shaking his head, trying to shrug off the pain before he said, "Yeah, just perfect! Lesson learnt though; don't call Misty a man." I blushed then giggled at the sight of him trying to man off the pain and act  tough. "Hey, why are you laughing? I just got beat up by a tomboy..." he trailed off before looking at Misty whom was death staring him.

"I mean, I just got beat up by a beautiful woman!" he forced. I looked over at Misty who seemed to calm down, hearing his words. Seeing Ash return to his normal state, we started running, to catch up. "So Ash, what are you going to buy?" I fondly asked. He looked at me with confusion. "Oh right, we're going to the mall..." he said, sounding disappointed.

"Wait, what's wrong with going to the mall?" I asked. He sighed before starting his explanation.

"Well, to be honest, I don't really like shopping. I mean, I used to be okay with it, until I was 6 or 7. My mum dragged me along to do shopping so many times that eventually, I started to get sick and tired of it so I'm not really fond of shopping. Plus, when I do go, I don't know what to buy."

I widened my eyes upon hearing his explanation. Okay Serena, it's your mission to make shopping fun for Ash today. "Okay Ash, if you think shopping's that bad, I'll make it fun for you!" I encouraged. He instantly made eye contact with me, looking puzzled.

"You'll see," I said, giving a wink.



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