Chapter 30 - Ruin

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CHAPTER 30 - Ruin


I was walking around in the forests, trying to look for some edible berries. The only things I could see were tamato berries and those would probably burn my insides to crisp.

"C'mon, where are all the good tasting berries?" I muttered to myself. After countless minutes of searching, I finally came across a large tree; larger than the previous ones. I ran to check the tree and to my delight, it was home to one very large oran berry.

"Today must be my lucky day!" I shouted. I was about to pick it but a soft hand touched mine. I recognised that skin tone. I turned to the right to see the love of my life standing there.

"Serena!" I excitedly yelled. She opened her mouth to say something.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" That sound uncontrollably continued from her mouth; getting louder and louder which forced me to cover my ears.

"Serena?!" I hollered.


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Serena!" I shouted as I jerked my upped body up. I looked around to see that I was in my room. Smashing the alarm, I realised it was 8:01.

"Really? I'm late now," I sighed before getting up and rushing for my clothes.

After a quick shower and absentmindedly putting clothes on, I ran into my room to grab my backpack then out to the kitchen.

"Ah, a few Weet-Bixes and a box of OJ. Gotta love it," I said to myself. Running out of the house and onto the sidewalk, I saw a familiar silhouette walking in my direction. Who's that?

Walking towards the figure, its features slowly became visible. I had to squint to get a clearer image. Honey-blonde hair... Pink hat... Red skir- You idiot, it's Serena.

"Serena!" I shouted while waving my hand before I started picking up my pace.

"Ash! Why are you so late?" the girl asked as she threw herself onto me.

"I kind of slept in, my bad. Hehe. Why aren't you on the bus?" I questioned.

"Well, I was worried as to why you didn't come, so I came to see if you were still at home. And surely enough, you are," she laughed. I couldn't help but chuckle as well.

"Yeah, sorry... Anyways, since we both missed the bus, let's walk to school together. Shall we?" I smiled as I slipped my right hand into her left.

"Morning kiss, first," she said, pointing to her cheek. I grinned before I leaned in to give her a light peck.

"Happy?" She nodded before we headed off to school.

"You know, we haven't walked to school in awhile," I stated.

"Yeah. Last time was like the day after our confessions. We should do it more often," Serena said as she squeezed my hand.


"You guys are finally here," Gary said as Serena and I approached the group.

"Yeah, a certain sleepyhead decided to wake up late," Serena remarked.

"Good one, Ash," Drew commented, causing me to sweatdrop.

"Well, you're lucky Serena cares for you so much that she missed the bus just to see you," Dawn added.

"And I'm grateful for that. Here's my thanks," I said as I pulled Serena in and passionately kissed her. I felt my cheeks burning up, knowing everyone was watching. As I pulled back, I looked at my love to see that her face was bright red, which caused me to laugh.

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