Chapter 8 - The Talk and Dinner

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CHAPTER 8 - The Talk and Dinner


"We need to talk," she said, seriously. I was shocked to hear the intensiveness in her tone.

"About what? Am I in trouble? Did I do something?" I hesitated. She literally face palmed upon hearing my question.

"No, you dummy. We need to talk about you! Seriously, Ash, why do you look so distressed? I've noticed it way too much. I know that's not you," she responded. sounding agitated.

"Oh. I already told you, I'm just ti-" I started before she interrupted.

"No Ash! You're not just tired! I can see through your lie! It's blatantly obvious, you know that right?" she scolded. I was thrown back a bit by her tone before she sighed.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you. It's just that I'm worried about you. Please, you know you can talk to me right?" she pleaded. I saw the worried look on her face and knew it was a look that I couldn't lie to. I guess I can't lie to her, can I?

"Alright fine... You got me. I'll tell you. But before that, let's go to the park. I'm feel more comfortable talking there," I requested. She nodded and we made our way to the park.


I slowly sat down on the bench, following Serena. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Okay so... It started that day I went for an early walk and you were there. Well, I actually couldn't sleep because of a nightmare I had. It wasn't any normal nightmare. I was stuck in a secluded room, when a face came out from one of the walls, saying, "Don't get too close to her or you'll regret it," or something along the lines of that," I explained. I noticed that Serena still had a concerned look.

"But that was just a nightmare though, nothing more," she finally spoke up.

"I know. That's what I thought until recently..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean, Ash?"

"I mean, on Wednesday; I was walking home from Gary's house and some hooded guy came up to me. He said those exact words in my nightmare. His voice had the same lifeless tone too... I couldn't speak for the dear life of me. I was just rooted to the spot. I just don't know what to think... There's no way that's a coincidence" I said, sounding a little scared.

"Oh Ash... Wait... Who does 'she' refer to?" she asked.

"I don't know.. I just don't know what to think..." Now my tone was definitely scared. We sat there in an awkward silence for a minute or so. It seemed like she was thinking of a response before Serena decided to break the silence.

"Ash, it may be something to worry about because that can't just be a coincidence. But don't be scared. Remember, you have your friends. We will always have your back. I'll always be there to support you, Ash," she reassured. I was frozen by her words and felt my cheeks heating up. It took me a little while to get some words out.

"Thank you, Serena. I... I really appreciate it. Especially your support..." I couldn't help the urge to hug her. I tried to hold it back. After not being able to hold it back anymore, I went for it


I gasped in shock, blushing intensely. Is he hugging me? I just found myself returning the hug. All my worries of life just seemed to melt away in this moment. This moment seemed to last forever. But after a few more seconds, Ash broke the hug, leaving me a little disappointed. He had his trademark smile that I liked a lot. I blushed harder from the sight. Wow that smile never ceases to amaze me.

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