Chapter 9 - Beach Day

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CHAPTER 9 - Beach Day


"Ash Ketchum! Wake up this instant! Stop sleeping in!" someone yelled with deafening volumes. I slowly pulled the covers over my head, wanting to sleep more; only for it to be completely pulled of the bed. I heard footsteps approach my window before hearing the blinds being opened. Then the footsteps started to leave the room.

One of the rays were pointing directly at my closed eyes. The brightness of it penetrated my eyelids, forcing me to slowly raise them. I looked around for a bit, trying to shake off the sleep in me. The room was soaked in sunlight. I looked over to my bedside table to see it was 10:42. I jumped out of my bed in sheer shock.

"What the hell? I should be at the beach by 11!" I yelled to myself. I quickly got up; fixed my bed and jumped in the shower. A few minutes later, I hopped out then packed my swimming gear. Running into the kitchen, I furiously searched for some breakfast before being tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see Mum, holding 2 Weet-Bixes and a box of orange juice. My favourite combo.

"Thanks Mum! I'll see you later tonight," I shouted before leaving the house.

I've been running for 5 minutes straight before looking at my watch. It's only 11:08. I should be alright. Being a few minutes late shouldn't hurt too much. Shaking my thoughts off, I returned focusing on running to the beach.

After several minutes of running, I finally saw the vast, blue ocean come into sight. Once I reached the actual beach and surveyed the area; trying to locate Gary and the others. Surprisingly, there weren't many people there so it made it easier to search. When I finally located Gary, he looked at me, giving me a wave.

"Hey guys," I happily said. I looked around to notice the girls haven't arrived yet. "Where are the girls?" I asked, directing it to Gary. He just gave me a shrug before saying, "I don't know, they should be here soon though."

Believing in what Gary said, I just shook it off before sitting down next to Drew. I realised he was having a conversation with Kenny so I decided to join in.

"C'mon Kenny, don't deny it. It's written all over your face. You. Like. Dawn." Drew stated. This caught both Gary's and Clemont's attention too, as all 3 of us yelled, "What?!"

"Jeez, Drew, do you have to be so loud?" he irritatedly whispered. "What? It doesn't matter, it's just us; the guys. And plus, don't be ashamed that you like Dawn," Drew responded.

I saw Gary's face light up, like he just thought of the best idea ever. "Say, Kenny... If you want to get in with Dawn, I could always be your wingman! I'm the best at this stuff," Gary remarked. We all sweatdropped at the idea.

"Well, from a scientific point of view, it is proved that men have a better chance of getting with their desired girls if supported by a wingma-" Clemont started before Drew grabbed his ear, forcing him to the ground; causing Clemont's face to be covered in sand.

"Hehe, sorry Clemomt. I love you and all but cut it with the science crap for the day," Drew said. Clemont just looked at him with a defeated expression and hung his head low. I laughed and walked over to him, patting him on the back.

"It's okay, Clemont. I think science is amazing!" I smiled. He instantly snapped his head to look at me. "Really?" he asked, sparkles in his eyes. I nodded before Gary piped up, "You two lovebirds mind getting a room?"

We both glared at Gary before the 3 started to laugh. I wiped the look off my face before joining in too. That's when I noticed 4 figures through the corner of my eye. I turned my head around and blankly stared at them, trying to figure who they were since they were heading towards as. "Idiot," I muttered to my self, realising it was the girls. Gary seemed to noticed to as he stood up and started waving, yelling, "Hey girls! Over here!"

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