Chapter 7 - Arrangements

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CHAPTER 7 - Arrangements


It's the last period of Friday and I'm now on my way to English, to present the poster Ash and I made. He was walking behind me while I was talking with the girls. I looked back at him for a second. There it is again; the distraught look on his face. I've noticed this since Thursday. I wonder what happened... Maybe I should ask him sometime...


I am waiting present my poster. I can feel the tension in my shoulders. I just want to get a really high mark on this. What if it doesn't get a high mark? What if I stumble on words? The doubts kept surrounding me. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulders, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Serena, it's okay. Calm down, we'll do just great! Plus, I'm here to do it with you," he reassured. I looked back at him and his distraught look was of no more. I felt my tension die down from his comfort. I smiled at him as a thanks.


"Thank you," Ash finished. Applause bounced off the walls of the room.

"We did it Serena! That's the loudest applause I've heard and it's for us!" he excitedly. I can't believe it, he's right. The loudest applause is for us. I looked over at Professor Birch through the corner of my eyes. He was smiling and nodding. He looked very impressed. After seeing that, my nerves melted away and I put on the biggest smile I could manage.


"Okay class, I've finished marking all of your posters during your presentations. There were many outstanding ones and there were some that could've improved. But there was one very special one; achieving the highest grade in the class," Professor Birch announced. My heart may have skipped some beats as I heard him. Could it be us? We did have the loudest applause...

"And that goes too... Ash and Serena! Achieving the highest mark of A+, congratulations," he gratified. I gasped in total shocked and looked at Ash. He was looking at me as well. I was so happy that I lost control of my body.

"Oh my Arceus, we did it Ash!" I yelled before hugging him. That's when I felt him returning the hug which made me super fuzzy on the inside.

I opened my eyes and widened them, realising that I was hugging Ash which made me immediately pull back.

"Oh... Uh... Sorry, I was so happy that it made me lose it," I apologised. He looked at me with a confused look. He then gave me the giant smile that I always liked.

"Don't worry, you deserve to be happy! We did it," he replied, emphasising the 'we'.


*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

We packed up our books and started to head out. That's when I remembered that Gary wanted our whole group to stay back at school and meet at out hanging out place.

"Ash, let's go to where we usually hang out; Gary wanted to talk to us," I said. No reply. I looked up at his face and there it was again. That troubled look on his face. I clicked my fingers in front of him to try and snap him out of it.

"Oh, sorry, what did you say?" he nervously asked.

"I said let's go to the meeting spot so that Gary can talk to us," I repeated. He nodded before looking straight down again. Okay I need to talk to him.

"Okay Ash. Spill. What's happening?" I asked, seriously. He looked at me with confusion. "I mean, why do you look so stressed out now. I've noticed this since Thursday. Tell me what's happening, you can talk to me... Right?"

He vigorously shook his head and said, "Oh it's nothing to worry about Serena. I'm just a little more tired than usual these days." I could see that he tried to force a grin on his face. I saw straight through his words, knowing he was lying. But not wanting to pressure on, we just continued on our path. What's really going on with you, Ash?



Great, now she's noticed. I need to get this off my chest.

"Ashy-boy, Serena! For the love of Arceus, can you guys be any later?" Gary said from a distance. I cringed at the nickname he gave me. "Can you stop calling me that?" I requested.

"No can do. It sounds cute anyways," re replied. This managed to get out a laugh out of everyone. Gary now had a more serious on his face, as opposed to his previous one.

"Okay, so I called you guys here because I wanted us, as a group, to do something fun. So is everyone free on the weekends?" he stated. Everyone nodded.

"Okay, good. So what I was thinking of was a day at the beach! Opinions?" he continued.

May decided to pipe up. "I think that's a great idea. I'm always super bored at home."

"I think so too!" Drew shouted. Everyone agreed with each other for another few seconds before Gary cleared his throat. "We'll all meet at around 11am. Bring some money too since we're going to grab pizzas for lunch."

We all looked at each other before nodding in agreement.


I was looking lifeless into the seat, in front of me. Who was that guy? What did he mean? Did I do anything to him? What's going on? I snapped back into reality once the bus came to an abrupt halt at the Vaniville stop.

I stepped off the bus, to be pulled aside by the wrist. I looked around and saw Serena standing there; worry written all over her face. But her face was also serious, with sparkles in her eyes. Have I done something wrong?

"Ash. We need to talk."

A/N: Whoopee! Chapter 7 is finished. I do want to apologise for the slightly later update and the slightly shorter length of the chapter. I just wanted to publish something and I felt like that was a good place to stop. Also, please excuse any mistakes.

Anyways, what will Serena say to Ash? Will he snap out of his trauma? What has Calem planned next? Find out in the upcoming chapters! As per usual, if you guys liked it, vote/comment and if you didn't, let me know why so I can improve. So stay tune!

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