Chapter • 1 • Crazy Person's House

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(Just imagine her younger)

Tiny Party•

          I was running through the woods. I've just successfully stole some food. It's a big loaf of Italian bread and a huge hunk of cheddar cheese. A score if you ask me. Probably will last me a day or so. Don't beg me to tell you how I did it. But let me just say it included some Mentos and some soda.

          I don't know why I decided to run through the park woods. But I did. And I don't mind. With the birds chirping and the sweet smell of pine trees is really smoothing. And plus it's just a small detour to my hideout. (It's just some random shed I found one day)

            I huffed and I started to stumble. Despite being a pickpocketer, I'm really bad at running. It's either I run slow and run a long distance or run really fast and  go a short distance.

            A minute or two later, I found my wonderful shed-secret hideout. It's old, falling apart and it leaks during the winter but I like it. But I'm pretty sure I will have to find a new one soon. I'm actually surprised it held up this long.

          I lamely kick the door open and walk in. I drop all of the things I manage to "borrow." I see about five twenty dollar bills. Some leftover Mentos. And some other fruits and veggies I manage to find.

          I shove them all into my goodie bag. Which is just a a huge plastic shopping bag. I lay down on my thick pink yoga mat. I don't even remember where I got this. And I don't even like the color pink. It's too girly and perky. Definitely not my color. I'm a more natural color. Like brown or green.

           Just as I drift off to the thing called sleep, a chunk of wood meets my face. I immediately panic and bring my hands to my face to get the wood off of me. Once I'm sure all the wood is off my face, I glare at the ceiling. "Really. You had to do that now." I say frustrated. It's not the first time it happened. But every time it happens I just use the wood for something. Probably to to show my ultimate skill at being bad at carving wood. Actually I would just etch something random into it.

           But then I heard a groaning sound. And I know it wasn't my stomach. It was the shed. The shed makes noises all the time but this time was different. It sounded like it was going to collapse. I see layers upon dust falling down. That's when I run for it. Grabbing my yoga mat and my goodie bag, I just go for it.

           I made it out just in time for the shed to collapse. Dust and dirt went everywhere. When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. In my mouth, in my eyes. I was covered in dirt and dust. Not to mention the sweat from running.

         Well I guess I need a new home. Let me tell you this. It's not easy finding an isolated home near a city or town. Specially when your a well known pickpocketer. I just want somewhere small and safe to hide things. I'm not the one for huge spaces. They make me feel lonely. More lonely than I actually am. And I hate that feeling. It makes me feel guilty.

I start humming "Yellow Brick Road" like I usually do as I adventure off to places. It's one of my habits. But can you blame me. Call me old fashioned but I love the Wizard of Oz. I kinda of maybe memorized  all the songs so yah... Also the songs easily get stuck in my head so don't judge.

I start doing the dance moves as I head off into a random direction. I'm pretty sure long time ago a summer camp was held here. So I'm sure I'll find another shack around here somewhere. At least I hope I find one before nightfall.

            That's my plan find a shack before nightfall, if not I guess I'm sleeping in a tree tonight. I don't know why but I don't like sleeping on the ground. So if I can't have a floor to sleep on, I sleep in a tree. I don't know about you but I find trees somewhat comfortable. And plus they have a fresh smell to them, that is very calming.

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